Just husband, thanks

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Everyone spread out and carefully picked the children that they would want.

"It must be terrible watching all these people carefully examine you then deciding if your worth their time of day or not," I said.

"It is," Shelby said in a low soft voice.

I then felt my face get hot and everything stopped. Like being hit with a faceful of ice water.

"Oh my god, Love I-"

"I know, it's ok."

"No it's not. You're my husband and somehow I didn't even think that this may have been more then just nerves. I've been being insensitive this how time and you shouldn't have to deal with that, especially from me."

"Arice you're a human being things happen. You won't be able to filter everything you say or know what's in my head all the time, probably even more then half the time. You would go literally crazy if you tried because of the sheer amount of stress that would give. And I was very very lucky, you know that. I was adopted, but not only was I adopted, I was adopted at a young age. I was 10 Arice, some aren't adopted until they're in their teenage years. Some not at all... and then they're really alone."

I nodded solumly not having any response to give. We focused back on the room, looking across the crowd. Then we saw two children standing up against the stair wall, a boy and a girl. The boy tall and skinny with little curles of brown hair and the girl also pretty tall with long dark brown wavy hair. She had a emerald dress on and did not look happy. The boy was in something similar to me, a vest, button up, and a pair of worn out dress pants with a pear of brog shoes, he seemed to be mumbling something to the girl.

"Looks like some older siblings knows best over there. Shall we go say hello," I ask lightly tapping Shelby on the shoulder.

"Well if we're good at nothing else it would be dealing with teens. What's the harm."

We walked over to the, the girl to glare at us when she saw us starting her was.

Shelby cleared his throat, "Hi I'm Shelby and this is my husband Arice."

"Willow, this is my brother Jone," the girl said sourly.

The boy shot her a look that she pretend not to notice.

"You're being childish. Stop," he said gritting his teeth, "you have to be nice to people Willow."

"You're being controlling and need to stop treating me like a baby and let me grow up! You don't change so why should I?" Willow's voice echoed through the room.

A red haired, middle aged lady appeared from behind them and all the children in the small room silenced. Shelby turned pale as a sheet.

"Jone Pike and Willow Ann MarriGold!" the woman said in a high squeal of a voice, "you both need to stop fighting with each other! What do I have to do to get that through your thick headed skulls? Jone you have dishes for the month, yard work, and help with the children and remember that does not mean you get out of studying and normal chore work. Willow, young lady-"

"Ma'am that's not necessary, we would like to adopt them both," Shelby said.

"Is that so? And when you say we do you mean you? Your par- partner there seems shocked at that news."

"Excuse me but it's actually husband and yes we are sure," I cut in angrily.

She held her jaw, "there is a series of-" she said snoodly.

"Yes we know, you can contact our worker here. I say pulling out our workers card. Along with our finances, records, and everything you need."

"And you bet I'm going to go investigate this."

"Take your time, we're in no rush."

The lady stormed away through that odd narrow walk way at the end of the room. The two children just stood there with big eyes and shock written all over their faces.

"Why don't you two go get packed, Sherry won't take long at all."

"Y-yes sir!" Jone said.

Willow remained quiet and they both bolted up the stairs. I could tell they were good kids, passionate, somewhat hot headed ones. But good.

"I'm sorry I let words slip before thought-"

"Shelby there's no need to apologize, I think this was how it was going to turn out anyway. It just happend faster this way."

He smiled at me and did his goofy scrunched up nose thing. I chucked and we stood there passiantly waiting for the new why of life to begain.

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