The Dain Boys

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I arrived back ten minutes early. I passed up the stairs startling Grace when I got up them.

"Arice I didn't expect you guys to come back, is everything ok? Everyone ok?"

"We didn't, just me. Call the Dain boys parents immediately I don't care what they're doing or if they're five bloody hours away I want them here with their children. And I don't care if I have to drive to there goddamn house myself because I will, and no it can not be an over the phone, I want face to face confrontation got it?!"

"Ok, it will be ok Arice."

"Grace I sure hope so. Those boys did damage and know it. They wanted to hurt all of us and they did, but they didn't account for the consequences," I paused, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I didn't mean that. It's just... since I came out I have gotten so much shit for being gay from everyone, my father, orphanages, people that served with me. I didn't account that my kids would receive it to, and I've still never been told why people do it."

" I'll make sure they come and Arice, I'm sorry. And uh if it means anything, I say to hell with all those dirtbags. I think that they're just looking for someone to hurt, all those people the racists, sexists, homophobics, ya know all of them. I think they just need something to yell at, something that makes them feel powerful and in equivilent better about themselves. And it shouldn't be something that happens but it does because one person does it and they have a kid and teach their kid that it's ok and the kid does it and that person decides they're angry and does it to another. Then it all spirals til one person says no but then that person will be surrounded by hate and it's up to them to fix all of it. It hurts, and it sucks, and it won't be easy because it's one to one hundred. But just like the bad ripples the good will too. And you all are starting that good and I can't think of anyone more suited."

"You don't know how much you help me Grace you really don't. Thank you."

"Arice you and your husband is the closest thing to family I got, I care about you guys. And I haven't met your kids yet, other then you know, but I care about them too I just want you to know that."

"It's not close Grace, you are family. It doesn't end in blood and what I've found is that non-blood can be closer family than blood."

She smiled slightly and nodded, "yes sir."

I stayed in the lobby and listened as Grace called. The taunting ring of the phone as I waited to hear a voice on the other line. Then they finally picked up.

"Hello, Ami Dain speaking."

"Hi Ms. Dain this is Grace Lainy from Chester school."

"Ah Mis. Lainy what can I do for you."

"It has been at the headmaster's request that you and your family all get down here immediately for a situation regarding your boys."

"Oh well my husband left about fifteen minuets ago they should be there any minute now. I can get in the car if need be, um may I ask what they did?"

Grace looked at me and I put my hand out for the phone. She handed it to me and I placed it to my ear reminding myself that she didn't do anything and to stay polite.

"Hello Ms. Dain this is Arice Alens-Grayed the headmaster here and yes I think you should come over if possible. You see Ms. Dain your boys before leaving for the lunch hour well, they beat up my kids. And it wasn't just a punch or two, my sons arm is broken, my daughter has more than one rib cracked. And from that I'm sure you can imagine the less severe injuries. I am sorry if I come of rude Mis. Da-"

"Oh my god no don't be. If I was you right now I would had called immediately and probably cursed myself out. I'll be down as soon as possible sir."

"Thank you Mis. Dain."

I handed the phone back and walked to the stairs.

"Where you going?"

"There almost here, I just want to walk them in," I said in a serious and sour tone.

I walked down the stairs and out the door, the yard was still empty, the children usually saver as much time as they can before coming back. The Dain's will probably be the first ones here, perfect. It only took three minutes at max for the cream van to pull up with three terrified looking boys inside it. They knew they've been caught as soon as they saw me. I slowly walked to the car and stopped maybe two arm lengths away. I looked through the windshield at the boys, staring them down one by one waiting for one of them to move. The father was the first to get out, the boys stayed frozen in the car. He was tall and thin with short hair the color of beer. He had a 9 0'clock shadow and a small tattoo on his left shoulder of the flag  folded in a upside down triangle with dog tags tying it together.

"Can I help you sir."

"Yes you can Mr. Dain. I need you and your boys to come upstairs with me, your wife will be here soon. We're all going to have a chat and I would like you and your wife as the parents to help make a decision with me."

"What are you talking about."

"Ah look I think that's your wife now," I said as a pale green flat car pulled up right next to the small cream van.

I could hear the boy in the passenger seat yell and hit the dashboard as a fairly short lady with red curly hair that was almost like an afro stepped out of the car.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Sir as a former army man myself I can tell you that I just want some answers and to do what we all think best. And your boys are the ones that can give me answers."

I rolled up my sleeve and showed him a tattoo of a helmet with 12.06.54 engraved on it.

"What's the date on it?" he asked.

"The day I married my husband."

He smiled at me and walked closer showing me his tattoo closer, there were three dog tags with three dates.

He pointed at each one and said, "This first one here, 04.10.69 S.L.A.A was the day I came home for good to my boys and beautiful wife, S for Samuel, L for Lincon, the first A for Ambis, and the second for Ami. This one 09.07.40 A.K.B is when I met that woman right there, Ami Kellann Berran, and knew that I just had to make her my wife. This one 50-69 B.W.D is my time in service. Always nice to meet a fellow soldier. Bug Willie Dain sir," he said with a broad smile putting his hand out and I shook it.

"I just wish it was on better circumstance sir. Why don't you grab your boys and we all can go to my office and have that chat."

"Yah what's that chat about."

"Bug they beat his kids," Ms. Dain answered.

"What? What do you mean they beat his kids."

"That's why we're all here-"

"I'm sorry to cut you off ma'am but I really think this is better to be had in my office."

"Okape, boys out here now!" Bug ordered, he was army alright.

The boys got paler and slipped themselves out of the car while their father eyed each of them.

"Lead the way."

I walked and Bug made all the boys follow then walked behind them. It was the most uncomfortable walk I have ever taken. You know it almost made me feel bad for the Dain boys. Almost.

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