Take a swing

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It wasn't long before the women returned twice as irritated then she was before as she stormed back over, heals clicking and lips tightly pressed together.

"A shameful turn to what our world is becoming," she said sharply.

"I suppose you've talked with our worker then, everything is in order as we said?" I asked not giving much mind to her tone or blatant discrimination.

"Yes," she said through clenched teeth.

"Really? You mean we're really getting adopted, this isn't some croul take away trick?" asked a surprised voice from above us.

We looked up and there was Jone and Willow, watching the tops of our heads with the look of disbelief and caution painted on both their faces.

"Well we did say it wouldn't take long," Shelby said with a soft cheerfulness, "now Sherry will be faxing you any paperwork you may need, is there any reason you need us to stay or are we free to go? "

The women scowled feicly at us. Before taking a breath and flicking her hand towards the door.

The children came thundering down the stairs and we all left the small, crowded room out back towards our car.

Once we all got in and settled, it was pretty quiet. Willow seemed to be like Shelby as she stared out her window. Jone however seemed pretty board.

Then the silence was broken with a small sound of Willow's voice ask, "What's your cars name?"

I chuckled a bit thrown off by the question, "Well I never thought of naming it, if you'd like you can."

"I thought all cars were girls."

"That's what they say yes," I replied.

"So it's a her not it. And you should call her Penny cuz she looks like one."

"Alright then, Penny it shall be," I said.

Shelby smiled and I say Jone did as well.

I looked over at Shelby and whispered, "We should show them where we work."

"Yah I think that's a good idea, they will be there quite often," he replied.

Immediately Jone and Willow got confused faces and started to talk at the same time.

"Where do you work?" Willow finally asked.

"You'll see when we get there won't you? We're not to far from it anyway, " I replied.

She smiling slightly at me and I drove to our work. It was only about fifteen minutes til we got there, not far as I had said. It was big and old, all the outside being bricks. The bricks have grown rust colored stains there and there and the rest being a very dark red, as if they were blood stained. As soon as I was in park Willow was practically jumping out of the car, Jone only slightly behind.

There was a small river in front of the school with a stone bridge to walk over. Willow went to look at it, gazing into the water.

"What do you do?" Jone asked as me and Shelby got out of the car.

"Well I'm the headmaster here and Shelby's the school doctor."

"How far is it into the year?"

"Pretty far. Next week is finals," Shelby said.

Jone looked at us blankly and a question rolled into my head.

"Jone have you and your sister ever been to school?"

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