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I ended up making lunch, I needed something to do other than sit and let my thoughts expand. Willow and Jone had hobbled themselves upstairs to their rooms and Shelby was just sitting in the living room. Now that everyone was away I could see the hurt in him. He wasn't ok or fine, he was putting on a strong face. And the worse thing is, is that it was mostly for me. I shut of the stove burner and took off my appren, laying it on the back of a chair and walked over to him. I sat next to him on our small light brown leather couch and rested my hands on his shoulder in a sort of awkward hug. He snugged himself into me, leaning against my chest and just sat wrapped in my arms. I rested my head on his.

"I'm sorry I said that you didn't care, I know that you're just as worried as I am. You're just better at containing it," I said.

"You never said that I didn't care."

"We both know that is basically what I was getting at, and I'm sorry."

He sat up and looked at me.

"It's ok love, I know you were just upset cuz you're trying to bottle. God it's going to be a bitch asking um questions though."

"You're telling me love, you're telling me."

He layed back down and we just stayed there for a while. In silence.

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