All I Did Was Smile

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We got upstairs and I glanced and Grace as we all passed her desk. I opened my office door letting all of them in. I had forgotten that it was torn apart until I walked in myself.

"My apologies I forgot that it looked like it got broken into, I lost some important papers earlier and went panicked trying to find them. Then with my kids it just left my mind."

"Don't worry you haven't seen my house," Bug said jokingly.

I laughed slightly at him then turned serious and faced the boys in their leather jackets and jeans with chains stringing from the pockets. I pressed my knuckles against my desk as I talked to them.

"So do you want to explain what happened or should I, either way your parents are going to know."

"What happened is that your a sick good for nothing homo and it's a disgrace to our country that you ever even wore a uniform."

"Ambis Alcom Dain! Young man you will apologize right now! We razed you to respect your elders, and respect those that serve."

"Oh but dad we're not done yet," another said cutting him off, "we haven't got to the details ya know, about how those street rats screamed and yelled like babies. The boy tried to play hero but we just couldn't have that. It took a lot though I'll give him that. We kicked and punched, it took a solid five minutes to drag him away from the girly. I had the honor of stepping on his elbow. Then I took his hand  bending against the weight of my foot and well, snap. Oh you should had heard it though it's not like anything you will ever hear, or feel at that matter. The feeling of the bone breaking under you, it's like putting a grasshopper in your hands and feeling it bounce around trying to get free, but bigger. After he had to ruin it at scream like a girl, All of us got in one good kick to the girls gut before you and your fag came."

"You know what my little girl said about you boys. She said that you are cowards, and yah know she's right. The way you all ran out the window. You wanted to hide in the car but to afraid of your dad there to do it. You think you're tough, you're bad. No. You're worse than toddlers, and you are cowardly. And I have a good mind to expel the three of you right now, or call officer Mike down because you aren't too young to go to jail, it will be juvenile jail but hey still a jail. And you three are damn lucky I'm not your father cuz I would send all of you to boot camp and trust me from experience. It's not a place for cowards," I said spitefully, "Mr. and Ms. Dain why don't we go in the hall and talk punishment let the boys sit for a bit hmm."

"Yah... sure," Mr. Dain said.

His voice was angry and rough but also ashamed, the same way my father sounded when I told him who I was. He was just staring at them, thought flooding his head.

"Sir I'm so sorry about what my boys did-" Ms. Dain started.

"Ms. Dain you couldn't have done anything, my kids will be ok, they'll heal. My husband was an army doctor, he's the doctor at this school now. I know they'll be just fine with him around."

"With you too," Mr. Dain said.


"They'll be fine with your husband yes, but with you as well. I see it in you, I've seen it in myself, in my old buddies that I visit when I can. The dought of being a good father, guilt, blame, whatever it is I know it's not my business but don't tell yourself that you're not good enough cuz ya are. You doing what you're doing right now proves it. As far as my kids go I think you should suspend them so that I can take that boot camp idea. And on top of it I want the teachers to send them all there school work while they're there. If they don't finish it give them an F. And I'll make sure to talk to them."


Bug stared daggers at the son protesting and the kid fell silent once more.

"Thank you... And yes, yes I can agree to all of that."

"No need."

We shook hands again and watched them all walk downstairs, Bug grumbling at the boys as they death glared me. And in response, all I did was smile.

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