Not Soldiers

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We showed then their classrooms, both of them taking glances around but overall stayed unengaged and silent. Most being of Willow's doing, Jone looking at her and looking like a kid who thought no one remembered his birthday. After that it was dark out and we called it and walked out to the car.

On the drive home Willow fell asleep and Jone stared out the window seemed to fight falling.

"Jone there's no use in you fighting sleep. You start school tomorrow and it's getting late. I'm not having you zombified or not wake up tomorrow because of a grudge you have against yourself. Go to sleep you still have a good while till we're home or I wouldn't even be telling you any of this."

I watched him lay his head on the headrest of the seat and he slowly he fell asleep. I gave them both a few minutes of driving to make sure talking wouldn't wake them up and glanced at Shelby.

"Ok love you can get whatever's eating you up out in the open."

"How did you know she wasn't going to take a swing at him?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't? That's just great Arice. They're not soldiers don't treat them like they are."

"Shelby I know they're not soldiers and I didn't treat them like they were. You know that I am against violence, but you also know I am a very strong believer in making your own decisions and taking responsibility for them. That is what I was doing. Jone decided to apologize by trying to feel less guilty and making the tables even. Willow say throw it and said no because she's pissed and dosn't want to give him that luxury. If we don't let them make their choices Shelby then they're just going to build their values, bases on life, belief systems to just be a copy of us like little robots. I'm not raising these kids like my father tried to raise me."

"Ok, I still don't like how you were just going to let her hit him though. After the whole no one should ever hit you speech even. What kind of mixed signal is that Arice."

"And if she got up to make a move we would have stopped her. I wasn't going to let her hit him but I wanted to see her choice. This is our first day with these kids Shelby, and from what Jone told me they've been through more then what they should of at their age. But their not children even if their young. We need to see their basis of thinking, of them self's, to know what they need."

"Okay.... I understand and agree with what your saying. I just wish I didn't..."

"I know, and it's not going to be easy. But we didn't sign up for easy we signed up for kids that we could see grow. And I'm okay with that."

"Me too. Love you Arice."

"Love you too Shelby, forever."

He put his hand on my thigh and went back to watching out the window, taking glances at the kids through the side mirror from time to time.

By the time we were all home everyone else was fast asleep.

"Shelby," I said softly while tapping his shoulder.

"Hmm, yes?"

"We're home, would you grab the kid's luggage while I carry them up?"

He nodded rubbing his eyes and basically dragged himself out of the car. I carefully carried Willow up the stairs who heavily signed when I put her in her bed. I covered her up and Shelby sorted her things and hung her worn out satchel on a hook on the wall.

Jone woke up with me just unbuckling his seatbelt scaring me half to death.

"Hello," he said with a dreary voice.

"Hey, come on. We're home and you should get back to sleep it's late."

He nodded stumbling to his feet, I grabbed his suitcase, shut the door, and locked Penny. I followed right behind Jone mostly to make sure he didn't fall down the narrow wood staircase. I lead him to his room and he flopped down on his bed and it seems as soon as he hit it he fell back asleep. I covered him the best I could, put his clothes in the dresser we got for him and a few books he had buried at the bottom of the case on his desk. Then I slid his suitcase under his bed and quietly walked out and shut the door.

"All squared away then?" Shelby said softly from behind me.

"Yes sir, now let's get to bed."

"I thought you'd never ask."

"I didn't, I told."

He kissed me and we went to our room and went to bed.

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