Chapter 1

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Patton could normally be found with a box of cookies on his lap, or looking at pictures of puppies. Sometimes he could even be laying around taking it easy, which was exactly what he was doing when Logan walked half way down the stairs and stopped once he saw Patton.
"Patton," Logan said.
Patton looked over at Logan from his position on the couch. He was stretched out on it watching TV.
"Yes Logan?" Patton replied.
"May I have a word with you?" Logan asked, beginning to walk the rest of the way down the stairs.
"Yes you may Logan," Patton sat up on the couch, dangling his feet over. " But I think you'll need more than one word." Patton chuckled.

Logan just walked over and sat next to Patton on the couch. He looked more serious than usual. Patton noticed this and decided that jokes wasnt the best option right now.

Patton. I need help with something," Logan began. " I need help with... Well... Emotions."
Patton looked at Logan. " Well there are many different emotions Logan, can you narrow it down?"
"That's the thing. I can't. It's not disgust, but it's making me feel sick to my stomach. My heart rate also increases, and my mind doesn't function properly sometimes."
Patton was nodding at every word Logan has spoken. " Oh Logan! That sounds the most familiar to me than any other emotion."
"It does?" Logan tilted his head a bit.
Patton clasped his hands together and held them close to his chest,while smiling. "Logan it's called love."
"Love," Logan repeated it. " Yes thank you Patton, that is all I needed from you. Good day."
Logan stood up and began to hurry up the stairs. Patton watched him go, his heart beating fast.
"Bye Logan!" Patton was still smiling.
On Logan's way up the stairs, Roman was coming down. He and Logan nearly collided with eachother. Roman finished descending the stairs and looked at Patton.
"What's up with him?" Roman asks pointing a thumb back.
Patton smiled at Roman. " Feelings. Roman."
Roman came to sit by Patton. " What feelings? He has practically none."
"Now Roman be nice. Everyone has the potential for feelings, and this is exciting that Logan could be developing feelings." Patton stated.
Roman leaned back on the couch. " Yeah I guess your right."
The royal got up and walked to the kitchen. He opened up the fridge and took out a soda.
"Patton, want a soda?" Prince called to Patton.
Roman grabbed two sodas and went back to the couch. He handed Patton his soda, and opened his own. He plopped back down on the couch and took a sip.
"So, what feeling does he think he has?" Roman asked.
Patton simply replied, "Love."
Roman was about to take another sip out of his soda, but paused.
"Oh this is gonna be good."

Logan was in his room, reading away. He has piled up every single book he had on studies of human emotions. He still was as confused as he was when he started. He slammed a book down on his desk, causing one to fall from its high stack. It opened and the pages were revealed to Logan.
Logan fixed his glasses and read the open pages.
When a person is in love, their natural instinct is to either keep it a secret, or express their feelings openly. But that is hard for some people who don't know how to communicate emotions properly.
The easiest way to overcome this, is by confessing. Yes, it's going to be hard, but try your best with the words. Tell the person how your feeling, and that your confused. If this plan of action goes south, refer to page 213, Depression.
Logan sat back in his chair and thought.
"Just tell him." He mumbled. "Just tell him." He said a bit louder.
Logan thought long, and Logan thought hard. Many different scenarios played out in his head on what could happen if he told him. Would he really tell this certain someone his new and growing feelings? He didn't think so.
"I'm not going to tell him." Logan decided.
Logan closed his eyes.
"I'm gonna tell him."
Logan got up and walked out of his room. He walked down the hall and passed Princey's room. He was coming up on Patton's door. He passed the lovable trait and stopped outside of Virgil's room. He felt his heart start to beat fast. He hesitantly knocked on the door.
Logan was beginning to doubt himself at this point. He was about to turn away to leave when the door opened. He found himself looking into Virgil's eyes.
"Can I help you Logan?" The dark persona asked.
Logan fixed his tie and answered. "May I come in?"
Virgil tilted his head slightly in confusion, then replied once more. "Sure."
He opened the door wider and stepped aside. Logan walked into Virgil's dark room. His heart was still beating fast. Logan took a deep breath. He turned to face Virgil after the door had closed.
"Virgil I need to tell you something." Logan began.
"What is it?" Virgil put his hands in his pockets.
"I am not one for feelings, but I do believe I have acquired some. I wasn't sure what it was and it's been nagging me for awhile, and it's only happening when I'm around you. I talked to Patton about it as part of my investigation. And I found out it was....a thing called love. Or as I've read, developing love." Logan looked at Virgil.
Virgil's eye were widened a bit. "So your saying you have a crush on me?"
"Yes. I guess I am."
Virgil shrugged. "It'll go away." Virgil turned away from Logan.
Logan became slightly frustrated. He walked over to Virgil and grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around.
"No I don't think it will Virgil. Because you see... It's been happening for awhile now. I've felt this way for maybe a month and a half, and it hasn't gone away...." Logan trailed off because by this time, he was looking at Virgil clearly for the first time since he had entered his room.
Virgil's eyes were wide again. They seemed to have a bit of a sparkle to them. His messy hair, dark clothing, even his scent, was making the warm feeling in Logan's chest grow. Logan's instincts kicked in as he leaned forward.
He got closer to the dark personas lips. Virgil stood there his eyes widening as Logan drew closer to him. Logan's lips were suddenly on his. Virgils eyes were very wide at this point. Logan's grip on his shoulders wasn't very tight. He could easily just slip out of them and walk away from Logan. Instead, he closed his eyes and kissed back.    
The pair broke apart. Logan opened his eyes to look at Virgil. Virgil still has his eyes closed, but they began to open. When they did, Logan and Virgil stared at eachother. Virgil was panting a little and he was lightly blushing. Logan moved a hand from Virgil's shoulder, and placed it on his cheek. He ran a thumb across his slightly pink cheek, and leaned down to kiss him again.
     Virgil was quicker to respond, and soon kissed back. The warm feeling in Logan's chest grew. Logan took a breath, then kissed Virgil again. Their kisses became shorter and shorter. Pretty soon they were pecking eachother on the lips repeatedly. Logan stopped to let Virgil catch his breath as well as his own. Once Logan had caught his breath, he looked at Virgil once more. Virgil looked at him. His cheeks were a rosy shade of pink. He was panting soflty.
     Logan kissed Virgil again. His hand moved from Virgils shoulder to his waist. Virgil slightly flinched, but didn't let it get in the way of his kissing.  Logan's mind was filled with Virgil's rosy pink cheeks. He wasnt sure if his was the same way. As Virgil's blush filled his mind, he began to kiss harder. He pulled Virgil closer to him by the waist.
          Logan's chest was warm, and his heart was beating fast. He put more and more pressure into the kiss. Virgil was  starting to bend backwards. The pressure only grew by the second. Virgil was bent backwards, and moved his arms to grip onto Logan's chest. Virgil then, very shyly, started to put pressure into the kiss.
     Logan moved the dark persona until he had backed Virgil onto the bed. Logan's hand moved from Virgil's face and waist, and we're now holding Logan up as he kissed the dark trait.  Virgil suddenly put a lot of pressure into the kiss, making Logan open his eyes. It was then Logan realised how messy the dark personas room was. He would have to make it a point to tell Virgil to tidy up a bit. But that could wait. Right now, he was enjoying Virgil's lips, and, from the feel of things, Virgil was enjoying Logan's lips.
     They kissed in that position on the bed, until both of their breaths ran out. Logan pulled off of Virgil's lips and panted looking down at him. Virgil panted looking up at Logan. Both weren't all, there there just yet. When they had caught their breaths a bit, they suddenly realised what position they were in. Virgils cute rosy pink cheeks, now turned red. Logan could feel heat in his cheeks.
     Logan quickly got off of Virgil by sitting on the bed next to him and fixing his tie and glasses. Virgil sat up and was still very red. The logical and anxious trait sat in silence for many minuets. Finally Logan broke the silence.
     "So...that's how I feel towards you..." He shrugged and looked at Virgil. "What do I do now?"
     Virgil looked at Logan. " you want to get together?" Virgil asked shyly.
     "I think I do, yes." Logan responded.
     Virgil scooted closer to Logan on the bed. "Well in that case... One I say yes, and two," Virgil moved his hand to hold Logan's, "When are we going to tell the others?"
     Logan held Virgil's hand. "Let's do it at the dinner table. I think it's safe to say we both need sometime to think about what just happened."
     Virgil nodded. "Yeah."
     Logan looked around. "By the way Virgil, your room needs some tidying up." Logan began.
     Virgil rolled his eyes and let go of Logan's hand. "Ahh yup. There it is. Alright you're leaving. Your stay has been overdone."
     Virgil stood up and dragged Logan to his feet. Logan looked at Virgil.
     "You can't just live in a mess Virgil."
     "I don't want to hear another word from you. Out." Virgil opened the door and pushed Logan out. "Out."
     Logan turned around once outside the room to look at Virgil. Virgil looked back at Logan and sighed a little. He quickly gave Logan a kiss on the cheek before stepping back into his room and began to close the door. He poked his head out.
     "Shoo." And he closed the door.
     Logan suddenly felt energized at his newly discovered emotion. So much so, he hurried down the stairs to where Patton and Roman were still watching TV. They looked at him as he had a smile on his face and was practically running down the stairs. Logan rushed up to Patton and gave him a quick hug.
     "Logan!" Patton cried out shocked.
     "Thank you Patton, for telling me what love is." With that he let go and went back upstairs to his room.
     Patton was a bit dazed about what just happened. Roman just chuckled and sipped his soda, turning his attention room back to the TV. Patton sat in silence, relishing in the thought and feeling of Logan's sudden embrace. He seemed so happy. Whatever he had figured out, had made him so happy, Patton smiled big when we remembered Logan's bright smiling face.

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