Chapter 8

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Cierra was looking around for Patton as the women was playing with Rosco in the living room. She found him standing outside. She knocked on the glass door. Patton turned around and was gazing sadly at his phone. He looked up at her. Patton opened the door.
"Cierra I need you to listen to something." Patton said, his voice filled with worry.
Cierra tilted her head and walked outside. Patton held his phone speaker over her ear. The video played. Her eyes widened when she heard what the husband had said. She shook her head as it ended.
"He can't stay here. It's not safe." Cierra turned and led Patton back into the house where the women was. Cierra clipped Rosco on the leash.
"Ma'am please follow me."
The women followed Cierra and Patton outside in the driveway. Cierra had Patton play the video for the women. The women looked sad by the end of it.
"As much of a good home this is, we can't leave him here. We don't feel comfortable leaving him here. Not after what we heard."
The women nodded solemnly. Cierra handed Patton Rosco's leash, and they walked back to the car. Rosco once again jumped in Patton's lap. Cierra waved to the wife. Patton smiled at her as they drove past. Patton saw the husband walk out of the house. Patton turned away from the window and petted Rosco. The drive back seemed longer than the first time. Patton giggled and got Rosco out of the car. He ran towards Rosco's cage. He put Rosco away in his cage. He then heard a car door close. He looked towards the parking lot, and saw Logan.
Patton petted Rosco once more, then walked towards Logan. "Logan, what are you doing here?" Patton smiled at the logical trait.
Logan fixed his glasses. "When Roman came home alone, he said you'd gone to do a home check for a dog. I needed to talk to you and decided to wait after your work hours."
Patton tilted his head. "How long were you here for?"
"An hour and a half."
Patton gasped.
"No worries Patton. I had my books to read, I was quite content." Logan looked at Patton. "Would you care to drive around while we chat?"
Patton nodded.
Patton and Logan walked to the car. Logan took up the driver's seat and Patton the obvious passenger seat. Logan drove off. Patton felt his heart flutter being so close to Logan.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Patton shyly asked.
Logan sighed. " I am having mixed feelings again."
Patton tilted his head. "About what?"
"Love." Logan replied.
Patton nodded slowly. "Ooohhh."
Logan pulled into an empty parking lot. He sighed.
"I don't know. Just confused. I'm not sure but I might have developed a crush on someone else."
Patton's eyes widened and his heart sank. "Why do y-you think that?" Patton looked over at Logan.
"I don't know. I've just been feeling the urge to be around this person more. Comfort them, hang out with them....kiss them, I guess." Logan explained. "It's the same way I felt with Virgil, but...there's something different. I can't put my finger on it."
Patton slowly nodded. "Well, what drives you to kiss Virgil?" Patton asked.
Logan sat back in his seat and thought for a moment. "To show him he's loved. What I read in the books says to show someone love, you kiss them. I also read it's one of the highest forms of showing love. Right next to-"
"Yes Logan I know about that. Now, what drives you to kiss the other person."
Logan once again thought. And thought, and thought. He looked at Patton with wide eyes.
"I don't know."
Patton raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. That's odd. Sorry Logan, but I really don't know what to say to that."
Logan shrugged. "Hey, Patton. Can we go out tomorrow? I would like to get away from the house and away from Roman and Virgil's never ending bickering." Logan asked the dad trait.
Patton smiled. "Sure Logan! Do you want to pick me up after work and we'll go do something?"
Logan nodded. "Yes."
"Alright. I'll tell Roman when we get back."
Logan drove back off to their house with a nod. Upon entering the door, they were instantly met with Roman and Virgil bickering away. Logan sighed and went to break it up. Patton went into the kitchen and started on dinner. Patton watched by glancing every now and then at the trio.
Patton finished dinner and served everyone. He noticed Logan was holding his temples. Patton abandoned his dinner and got up. He walked towards the bathroom and got some medicine. He returned to the logical's side and gave him the pills. Logan nodded and took the pills with water. Virgil tilted his head. Patton walked away.
"What's wrong?"
"I have a headache."
"I'm sorry." Virgil turned and continued to eat his food, meanwhile Logan had a thought.
Patton returned and started to clean the table off.
"Patton. We go in tomorrow, correct?" Roman sniffed.
Patton nodded. "Yes. We do."
Roman sighed. "I don't think I'll be able to go in tomorrow." He broke off in a huge bout of coughing.
Patton felt Roman's head. "You'd better not. You have a fever." Patton went over to Roman. "Come, to your room. I'll give you medicine."
Patton led Roman to his room, and got him his medicine. "Don't get up tomorrow. Logan was going to pick me up anyways. I'm sure Mila and Cierra's won't mind."
Roman nodded. "Thank you Patton."
"Do you need me to make you some tea?" Patton asked after tucking the Royal in.
"Yes please." Roman coughed again.
"With honey?"
Roman nodded as he coughed.
Patton walked out of Romans room and down to the kitchen. As he was heating up the water, Logan came down. He stood in the kitchen.
"Patton?" Logan started, giving the trait a questioning look.
Patton turned his head. "I'm making Roman some tea, he's under the weather as well, oh how's your head by the way."
"It's fine." Logan lied. His head was pounding.
Patton hesitated before reaching out his hand to feel Logan's head.
"Logan you're burning up. You are not fine." Patton poured Romans tea. "Follow me."
Patton took the tea to Romans room with Logan in tow. After Patton had left the sick prince, he and Logan went back downstairs. Patton opened up the cabinet and got a wash rag. He put it under cold water. Patton turned towards Logan and walked to the couch. He sat down.
"Lay in my lap Logan." Patton patted his lap.
Logan walked over and laid down. Resting his head on Patton he looked up at the dad trait. Patton gently pressed the wash rag to his head. Logan sighed as the cold water soothed his head. Patton wrapped a blanket around Logan. He left the rag on Logan's head and turned on the TV. Patton watched TV as Logan closed his eyes and sighed. Patton softly stroked Logan's hair. Logan's breathing became deeper as he fell asleep. Patton tilted his head against the back of the couch and fell asleep.
Patton woke up to his phone going off. He rubbed his eyes and turned off his alarm. He looked down and saw Logan had turned over on his side on Patton's lap. Patton gently shook Logan awake smiling. Logan opened his eyes and turned back on his back. He yawned. Patton smiled bigger.
"Morning sleepy head." Patton took off the wash rag. "I've gotta get ready for work now."
Logan sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Alright."
Patton got up and stretched. He quickly went to take a shower. He heard Roman coughing in the other room. After Patton got out of the shower, he went back downstairs, ready to leave. Logan had toasted a few bagels and handed one to Patton.
"You must eat something." Logan said to the lovable dad trait.
Patton smiled and took the bagel from Logan.
Logan felt his heart flutter slightly at Patton's smile. Logan wondered what had caused such a reaction. He quickly brushed it off as him not eating as well. Logan picked up the second bagel. He raised it to his mouth about to take a bite. Patton reached his hand towards Logan's hand. He smoothed a stray piece of hair on top of Logan's head. Logan tilted his head into Patton's hand slightly. Patton smiled and Logan half smiled. Patton took his hand away and Logan continued to eat his bagel.
Patton began heading toward the door. Logan followed, both munching on their bagels.
Logan and Patton went to the car, and Logan drove the dad trait to his job. Logan pulled into the parking lot and Patton unbuckled his seat belt. Logan turned to Patton.
"Have a good day Patton."
Patton looked at Logan and smiled. "Thanks, you too Logan!" Patton got out of the car.
Closing the door, Patton stood by the car until Logan drove away. He then walked to the adoption center and was quickly met by Mila.
"Oh, hello Patton! Is Roman with you today?" Mila fixed her black glasses.
Patton shook his head. "No he's fallen ill, and couldn't make it. He apologizes though."
     Mila nodded. "I understand, I hope he feels better soon."
     Patton smiled. "Thank you."
     Mila smiled back. "Cierra's over by the dog kennels. Over by Rosco."
     Patton smiled brightly and nodded walking away from Mika. Patton reached the kennels and quickly sought out Rosco. He opened the dogs cage and played with Rosco for a few minuets. Cierra walked up behind him and chuckled.
     "Come on Pat, poop duty!" She patted Patton on the back and walked towards the dog run.
     Patton returned Rosco to his cage, and spent most of his work time cleaning up poop. One small puppy by the name of Roxy was being prepped for pick up, and Patton was in charge of giving her a bath. Roxy was a small white Toy Poodle Pomeranian mix. Patton washed the small white fluff ball and dried her. He tied a pink and white polka dotted bandana around her neck. Cierra came by the wash station with a small crate.
     "Watch the center while Mila and I are gone. You can leave when we get back." Cierra instructed Patton.
     Patton nodded and went to do some cleaning around the park, picking up any trash so the dogs wouldn't eat them. When Patton looked up he realised he was the only one left. He went to the adoption paper table and sat down. He picked up a pamphlet and started to read.
     Patton heard the sound of a car driving into the parking lot. He looked up expecting Cierra and Mila to be back, but he saw it was Logan. The logical trait stepped out of the car and walked over to him after closing the door. Patton stood up to meet him. The logical looked around.
     "You are the only one here. Am I late in coming?" He inquired.
     Patton shook his head. "No. Cierra and Mila went to do a home check for a sweet little puppy. They should be back soon." Patton informed Logan.
     Logan nodded. "Well I suppose we could start our chat here." Logan took a seat. Patton sat back down in his chair.
     Patton looked at Logan. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"
     Logan looked at Patton. "Patton."
     "How did you know what I wasn't feeling well?"
     Patton tilted his head. " Well you were holding your temples, you don't do that unless you have a bad headache. I could just...tell."
     Logan slowly nodded.
      "Anything else?"
     Logan shook his head. "Not really. I just wanted to get away for a little while."
     The two were interrupted by a car rolling into the parking lot. Cierra and Mila had returned. Patton got up once more to go meet them. Cierra and Mila left with a dog, and didn't come back with a dog, signaling that the adoption was a success.
     Cierra smiled at the two traits. "Logan, nice to see you again!" Cierra held out her hand for him to shake.
     "As to you." Logan replied smiling and shaking her hand.
     Cierra turned to Patton. "Thanks again for watching the place. Mila and I have got it from here."
     Patton smiled. "Oh, it was no problem. I love it here." Patton smiled more.
     "Oh, and you and Roman have four days off next week."
     Patton's smile disappeared. "What? Why?"
     Cierra chuckled. "Because I want you to have some vacation time before you work here. We want to offer you a full time, paying job."
     In an instant, Patton's smile returned, his eyes lit up and sparkled with excitement. "Really? Are you serious?"
     Cierra nodded. Patton danced around Cierra and Mila.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!"
     Patton spun around and threw his arms around Logan's neck smiling. He quickly realised what he was doing and stopped hugging the logical trait before he could react. Patton slightly blushed of embarrassment.

    Cierra giggled. "See you Tuesday!" Cierra waved, linked her arm with Mila's, and walked away.
     Logan turned and started to walk back towards the car. Patton and Logan drove home. Patton fidgeted in the car still excited. Logan drove up to their house. The two got out. Patton was about to reach for the doorknob when Logan suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder, turned him around, and hugged him. Pattons eyes widened.
      "Congratulations on your new job, Patton."
     Patton smiled and hugged Logan back. He pulled away from Logan, still in his arms however, and the two looked into each other's eyes. Patton smiled at Logan. Logan slowly smiled back. The two leaned closer to each other.

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