Chapter 3

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Patton woke up early the next morning to make breakfast. He yawned and sat up in his bed. He was still holding the blue bunny. He stared down at it and took a deep breath. Scratching his head, he walked to his door and opened it. Walking down the stairs, he noticed Roman passed out on the couch, with about 25 soda cans around him.
Patton shook his head and shook the prince awake. Roman grumbled and opened his eyes. He looked dead tired and he blinked a few times to clear his vision.
"Roman, how late did you stay up?" Patton asked him, starting g to clean up the soda cans.
Roman shrugged "I dunno....four...five maybe?" He yawned.
"Don't drink so much soda at night. It's not good for you."
Roman looked at Patton, and watched as he cleaned up the cans. He noticed Patton's feet dragged as he moved around the living room. Pattons face didn't have a smile on it either.
"Patton are you okay?" Roman finally asked.
Patton froze for a second, then continued "Yes, I feel great Roman. Why do you ask?"
Roman shrugged. "You seem...down this morning."
"Oh, I'm just tired Roman. No worries." Patton smiled at Roman and went to put the cans in the recycling bin.
He began to make breakfast. As he went onto the kitchen he found a note.
Dear Patton,
I ate some cereal for my breakfast, and I am off to meet Talyn and Joan. Don't worry about me, I've packed all I need.
Love, Thomas <3
Patton smiled again and turned on the stove. He made eggs and bacon. As the bacon was cooking, the smell once again attracted an audience. Virgil poked his head out of his room sniffing the air. Logan watched as the dark trait walked stealthily from his room and crept downstairs. His stomach growled, he was so hungry.
Roman was still on the couch, trying to stay awake. He didn't hear Virgil approach. Virgil was too focus on the wonderful smelling meat, that he didn't see a soda can that Patton had accidentally left on the floor. Virgil took another step forward and was launched onto Roman. Their heads collided. Roman shouted in pain and surprise.
At this, Patton turned around to see what happened. Roman pushed Virgil off of him and Virgil screeched and tipped backwards. He held onto the Royal's clothes trying not to fall backwards.
"Virgil get off of me!!" Roman tried once again to push Virgil off.
Virgil gripped on tighter, digging his nails into the clothing. "Roman stop or I'm going to hit the table!" Virgil tried to scramble onto Roman.
Logan was already racing down the stairs. Roman tried to lay still, and allow Virgil to climb on him so he didn't fall. The dark personas foot slipped as he was climbing up the couch and landed on Romans groin. At this Roman screamed and jerked his body around. Virgil lost his footing completely and fell backwards. Just before he hit his head on the table, Logan caught him and pulled Virgil away. The two fell backwards and onto the floor. Logan's arms were around Virgil's stomach.
Patton was watching with an open mouth. He turned off the stove and hurried over to the pair on the floor. Logan sat up with Virgil and moved his bangs to look at his forehead. Patton stopped once he saw Logan already checking Virgil over. Patton waited off to the side to see if he needed to go get anything.
"Are you okay Virgil? Nothing else hurts, does it?" Logan asked.
Virgil shook his head. "No, my head's a bit sore."
Logan leaned in and lightly kissed Virgil's forehead. Virgils eyes once again widened and looked at Logan. Patton had his hand clasped against his chest, and squeezed his shirt as Logan kissed Virgil's forehead. Roman let out a low groan and turned his head to face the three. His hands were over his crotch.
"What about me? I've been crushed..." His voice was soft and high pitched with pain.
Patton went to Roman's aid. He tried to see if Roman could sit up. Newsflash. He couldn't. Patton then went to the freezer to get an ice pack. He placed it gently over Roman's crotch. Roman sighed in temporary relief. Patton went back to the kitchen to get Roman a plate of food.
"Virgil, Logan. You can serve yourselves I'm going to help Roman." Patton didn't wait for a reply as he was already walking towards Roman with his food.
Logan and Virgil stood up and served themselves. Patton put some egg on the end of a fork and started to hand feed Roman. Roman chewed slowly. When he had finished his breakfast, Patton washed the dishes and gave Roman a new ice pack, and, just so he would feel better, Patton put Frozen on the TV.
Logan and Virgil were sitting next to eachother at the table. Virgil had his head on the table top. He looked up and spotted some more bacon on the stove. He lifted his head and looked over his shoulder. Patton was sitting on the floor watching Frozen with Roman. Logan looked confusingly at Virgil. Virgil looked back at the bacon on the counter and slipped out of his chair.
Logan crossed his arms and watched the dark trait creep towards the kitchen counter. Virgil looked again at Patton, then quickly grabbed a piece of bacon. He put it in his mouth and sat back down.
Logan chuckled and Virgils cheeks became slightly pink again. He nibbled on the bacon and then took a large bite from it. Logan got up from his seat and went back to his room. He came back a few seconds later with a murder mystery book, no surprise there. He sat back down at the table, crossed his leg, and began to read. Virgil fiddled with his fingers.  He looked once more at Patton sitting on the floor watching Frozen with Roman. He laid his head down on the table and clawed at it. Logan noticed this noise right away and looked up from his book.
     The scratching continued. Virgil was completely bored. Logan sighed and closed his book.
     "Virgil. Can you please stop scratching?" Logan asked the dark trait.
     Virgil stopped. "I'm bored." Virgil told him.
     Logan set his book down on the table. "Well then, what do you want to do?"
     " I have no idea. Hence why I said I'm bored." Virgil snapped at Logan.
     Logan stood up and started to head for the door. Virgil looked at him confused.
     "Well, come on Virgil." Logan told the darker trait.
     He tilted his head "Where are we going?"
     "I don't know, but we will shortly find out." Logan got on his shoes.
     Virgil walked next to him and put his shoes on as well. He noticed Patton looking at them. Virgil shrugged and Patton giggled. Logan grabbed his car keys and opened the door. Virgil followed and shut the door behind them. Together they got in the car and Logan started driving. Virgil stared out the window. They soon arrived at their destination; the Mall.
     Logan and Virgil walked in close to eachother. Virgil got some odd looks because of his purple jacket. People whispered as he and Logan walked along. Virgil didn't notice, and if he did, he didn't  care. He had his eyes locked on a store already. Hot Topic. Logan chuckled slightly as Virgil made a B line for it. Upon entering the edgy teen store, Virgil went towards the back and looked through the band shirts. He found a really nice looking MCR jacket. He picked it up and tried it on. It fit perfectly. He took it off again and silently inspected it. He liked what he saw. A small smile appeared on his lips, but upon checking the price tag, Virgil's eyes widened and he quickly hung the jacket back up and walked away to look elsewhere. His smile gone.
     This edgy boy jacket interaction didn't go unnoticed. Logan was watching from a far. It wasn't creepy, he just didn't see anything that interested him. Well nothing other than Virgil. Logan took to following Virgil around the store. He eventually found another jacket that interested him, and was in his price range this time.  Virgil began to walk towards the checkout desk. He reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet when Logan put a hand on his chest. Logan took out his own wallet and paid for the jacket. And together the two walked out.
     Logan and Virgil went to the food court next. After eating, they sat and talked for awhile. Virgil was blowing bubbles in his drink  while listening to a story Logan was telling about some murder mystery book. Virgil was still blowing bubbles when Logan finished. He tilted his head.
     "Virgil were did you learn that?" Logan asked.
     Virgil looked at him and took his mouth off the straw. He looked down at the drink. "Patton I guess."
     Logan felt a spark as he heard the lovable traits name, but thought nothing of it. He and Virgil finished their time at the mall and started to walk out. They had just gotten to the car and was about to get inside when something hit Logan in the back of the head. Virgil was on the other side of the car, and shrunk as he saw a man walking towards them. Logan turned around.
     "Hey you, gay shit! Yeah you. Get the fuck out of here you're not wanted." A man with a scruffy beard shouted at them and stopped just infront of Logan. Logan stood tall.
     "We are not bothering you, sir. Please leave us be, we are just leaving." Logan told the guy politely.
     "You talking back to me? Do you think your pathetic ass has the right to talk to me? Well think again shit face!"
     The man pushed Logan against the car violently. Virgil sprung into action and climbed over the car and leaped on the guy. The impact forced the man to the ground. Virgil began to claw at the man's chest, not very hard, but it sure scared him. Virgil got off the man, and the man ran. Virgil hissed at the retreating man. Logan took Virgil's arm in his hand and dragged the still agitated hissing mess into the car. Logan started the car and drove away.
     "Virgil what was that display for? You could have seriously injured the man."
     Virgil looked at Logan in half disbelief. "Are you seriously about to lecture me?"
     Logan turned his head to look at Virgil. " I am only looking out for you, Virgil." Logan countered.
     "And I was looking out for you!" Virgil shot back.
     Logan and Virgil rode in silence for the ride home. Logan's back was hurting a lot from when the guy threw him against the car, and Virgils ankle was throbbung in pain, because he had twisted it badly when he leaped over the car. Logan opened the door for Virgil and the both of them limped inside. Patton and Roman were now watching The Lion King. Patton noticed right away that they were limping. He sprang up and rushed over to then.
      "Guys, you're hurt! Oh what happened???" Patton exclaimed.
     "Nothing..." Virgil says and started to go upstairs, but Logan grabbed his arm.
     Virgil yanked his arm away and went upstairs, almost falling on the way up. Logan sighed, and made his way to his room. Patton followed Logan. Logan turned around to face Patton.
     "Patton please help Virgil first. He's in more pain than I."
     Patton nodded "Okay Logan."
     Patton turned around and went back down the stairs. He went to the freezer and got another ice pack, and some paper towels. He went back upstairs and softly knocked on Virgil's door. Virgil grumbled, which to Patton, was a sign to enter. Patton closed the door behind him and entered the dark room. Virgil had his shoes off of his foot. It was swollen a lot and was starting to bruise a bit.
     "Oh Virgil!" Patton went to sit next to his anxious baby.
     "It looks worse then when you walked in, what happened?"
     Virgil shook his head. "I hit it on the way up the stairs."
     Patton placed Virgil's foot on a pillow and placed the ice pack on it. He sat with the injured virgil, until he felt comfortable. Patton slowly stood up.
     "Im going to go check on Logan. I'll be back." Patton looked at Virgil.
     Virgil only nodded and Patton walked out the door, and to logan's room. His heartbeat sped up as he neared it. He knocked softly on Logan's door. Logan called out enter, and he opened the door. Logan sat hunched over on his bed. He was holding his back. He looked up as Patton entered. Pat walked towards logan's bed.
      "Logan, what's wrong?" Patton asked concerned.
     "My back really hurts. It's quite excruciating. Might I have some ice, and lotion?" He looked at Patton.
     Patton nodded and went to go get what Logan had requested. As he was getting the ice pack, he thought about the pain in Logan's eyes. His heart gave a pang of sadness. He moved on from the ice pack to the lotion. When he had the items, he went back to Logan's room. He closed the door behind him. Logan was hunched over again, but straightened up once he heard Patton renter.
     He set the stuff down. "Where does it hurt?"
     Logan turned his body in pain to show Patton. Patton sat down on the bed behind Logan. He felt logan's back through his shirt. Logan winced in pain as his hands came in contact with the sore spot. Patton didn't flinch away too much. He gently rubbed the spot.
     "Right here, correct?" Logan only nodded. "Don't worry, Doctor Patton is here. I'll take care of you." Patton smiled.
     Logan chuckled briefly. Patton focused back on Logan. "Im going to have to lift your shirt up to look at it." Logan nodded.
     Patton grabbed the bottom of Logan's shirt and lifted it up. Logan assisted him and took off his shirt completely. Patton slightly blushed. He looked at Logan's back. There was a huge purple and black mark in the middle of Logan's back.
     "Oh my, Logan what happened?"
     Logan sighed. Patton put some lotion on his hands and started to gently rub Logan's back. Logan began to tell the story of the man at the mall. Patton's eyes teared up as he listened. He sniffed, and was about to speak when there was another soft knock at the door, and Virgil limped in. He limped over to where Logan and Paton were.
     Patton looked at Virgil worriedly. "Virgil, you shouldn't be walking on that foot yet." Patton told him sternly.
     Virgil held his arm. "I came to help you. It's my fault you are hurt Logan. And.... I'm sorry  for that."
     Logan motioned for Virgil to sit down infront of him. Virgil obeyed. "Virgil it is not your fault. You cannot blame yourself for the crude actions of other people. It's inconceivable." Logan told him.
          Virgil stared at him blankly. "In English, please Logan."
     Patton peeked his head from behind Logan. "He said you can't blame yourself for how mean some people are. So stop that!" Patton translated. 
     Logan nodded at Virgil. Virgil looked at Logan. He raised himself up and kissed the logical trait on the lips. Patton watched as Logan closed his eyes and kissed the darker back. Patton felt sadness well up in his heart. But he pushed it aside.
     "Um, it's time to put the ice pack on." Patton said shyly and took his hands off Logan's back.
     Virgils arms wrapped around Logan and he held his hand out for the ice pack, all the while still kissing Logan. Patton wrapped the ice pack in a paper towel, and handed it to Virgil. Virgil gently pressed the ice pack to Logan's back. Logan's arms were wrapped around Virgil's as they started to melt in the kiss.
     Patton left the bottle of lotion for Logan incase he needed it more. He walked out of the room and closed the door. He thought about the left over pizza in the fridge from a few days ago. He smiled and went to get it. Roman was still on the couch. He was sleeping. Patton got the pizza and tried to focus on the movie still playing, but the thought of Virgil and Logan kissing filled his mind. Checking to make sure Roman was really asleep, which he was, Patton began to cry while eating his pizza. He would be sleeping with the blue bunny again  tonight.

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