Chalter 10

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     She woke up the next day temporarily remembering nothing, until she looked down at the black haired beauty that slept beside her. Mila cuddled Cierra, her breaths coming in slow and deep. Cierra smiled and pulled Mila closer to her. She stared up at the ceiling, thinking about the events that unfolded yesterday.
      She was snapped out of her thoughts when Mila lightly pushed herself away from Cierra's chest to sit up. She yawned and covered her mouth with her hand as she did so. Cierra smiled looking at her. Mila opened her eyes and looked at Cierra. Cierra felt her cheeks go red, and things suddenly became awkward. She didn't know how to speak to Mila. Suddenly she was tongue tied.
     Mila leaned towards Cierra's face, and kissed her lightly on the lips. Short and sweet it was, and Cierra's blush grew a bit deeper.
     "I think what you're trying to say is: good morning." Mila giggled and got off the small bed. She wore baggy grey sweat pants and a black T-shirt.
     The two went about their day as normal, except it wasnt completely normal. Small things were happening now. When Cierra was in the kitchen making the morning coffee, Mila came up behind her and hugged her from behind. Cierra smiled and blushed lightly as Mila did this. When they were filing paperwork, Cierra had reached for a pen by Mila and kissed her cheek. Mila blushed and smiled at Cierra.
     The two crazy people wanted to return to work as soon as possible.

Emotionally Broken ( Logan X ? )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt