Chapter 2

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Dinner time was drawing closer. Patton was cooking In the kitchen, making finishing touches on dinner. He was still smiling over how Logan had hugged him earlier. The smell of food had attracted an audience. Patton chuckled as Roman and Virgil both came down from their rooms, sniffing the air.
Once they caught sight of eachother however, they stopped in their tracks and turned away from eachother. Patton chuckled as they sat at their respective places for dinner. Patton turned back to cooking to turn off the stove. He had made pasta. He carried it over to the dinner table and set it down.
"Can someone call Thomas and Logan down for dinner?" Patton asked, turning back towards the kitchen to put his cooking gear away.
Roman took control of the situation "Thomas! Specks! Dinnnneerr!" He shouted.
Virgil stuck a finger in his ear and twisted it around. "Nice, Roman, I think I just went deaf."
"Well you've got to be used it loud sounds since you are so into loud music all the time." Roman stared at Virgil from across the table. "My yelling and signing shouldn't be a problem for you."
Logan was starting to make his way down the stairs and heard the slight commotion.
"I'm used to listening to good songs, not one of your Sir-Sing-along Disney songs." Virgil shot back.
Roman huffed. "Oh please my voice is way better then that...screamo nonsense you listen to." He waved his hand.
"Actually, it really isn't. It's obnoxious. As much of a Disney fan I am, you make it bad." Virgil tilted his head as he spoke. " in other words you ruin Disney for me."
Logan turned the corner to the dinner table. He watched as Roman slammed his hands on the table and stood up.
"Don't you ever say something like that again!" Roman shouted at the dark trait. "I do not ruin Disney!"
Virgil remained in his seat. "Well when your constantly singing and dancing, and making references, it gets annoying after awhile. If I'm completely honest."
Roman still remained flustered. "Well at least I know what I want to look like." Roman shot at Virgil.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He questioned.
"You look like an emo wannabe, a freak, a mistake that shouldn't have ever been here in the first place!" Roman shouted louder.
Virgil flinched, then regained his composure, standing up. He didn't raise his voice.
"You don't think I don't know that?" Virgil said upset.
Patton was staring at the two. He looked to Logan with a concerned expression. Logan looked away from Patton and went to stand in-between the bickering pair. Well he stood in-between the two from the side of the table.
"That's enough." He looked from Roman to Virgil. "The both of you."
Virgil sat down and looked down at his lap. He put his hand on his cheek. Roman slowly say down. Patton sat down at his place next to Logan. Logan took up his place and stole a few glances at Virgil. Thomas, awoken by the commotion from Roman and Virgil, came down just as the verbal fight stopped.
"Everything okay?" Thomas asked, before getting a look from Patton that told him not to ask anything else.
Everyone began to eat. Patton received compliments for his amazing cooking. He smiled at each one. Logan finished his plate and looked at Virgil. Roman, Thomas, and Patton were engaged in conversation. Virgil looked at Logan. No words needed to be said, they were thinking the same thing. Virgil sighed and nodded at Logan. He began to get slightly nervous.
Logan cleared his throat. "If I could have your attention please."
The three looked at Logan from their conversation.
Thomas spoke. "Actually Logan, if I may, I also have something to say. I am going to be out of town with Talyn and Joan. So I'm leaving you four to tend to the house."
Patton smiled. "Don't worry Thomas. You have a good time. We will take care of the house. We always do!" He smiled at Thomas.
Thomas nodded at Patton and return the smile. "Thanks Pat." He turned back to Logan. "Continue on Logan."
Logan nodded. "Yes. I am actually not sure how to start this. Well, I have developed" he paused. "Feelings. I researched them, what causes them, how to get rid of them, why I have them-"
Virgil cut him off. "Yes, Logan we get it. Feelings suck."
Logan looked at Virgil. "Sorry. What I am meaning to say is that Virgil and I, are in a strong emotional connection relationship between eachother."
Roman and Patton tilted their heads. "What?"
Thomas smiled hugely. "They're dating!"
Patton felt a stab of pain in his chest. But he wouldn't let his smile falter. He closed his hand over his chest.
"Logan Virgil! That's great!!"
Virgil shrunk in his seat as all the attention was turned to him. Roman didn't seem to care. He took to fixing his hair.
Thomas smiled at Virgil.
"Virgil this is honestly great news."
Everyone kept saying that same thing. Virgil didn't know how to react. He kept shrinking and shrinking. He hid inside his hood. The talking still wouldn't stop.
Logan spoke. "Virgil."
Virgil suddenly stood up and ran upstairs to his room. Logan didn't say a word and followed him. He caught the door before it slammed shut.
Patton watched as the two went upstairs. Thomas and Roman looked at eachother. Roman still didn't really care. Thomas sat for a second then got up.
"I've got to go pack. Need any help cleaning up Pat?" He looked at Patton.
Patton shook his head. "No, I'll be fine." He smiled at Thomas. "Go pack and get ready for your trip."
Thomas nodded and headed upstairs. Roman stood up and walked around the table collecting plates. Patton's mind wandered as he collected the napkins off the table. The scene from before kept playing in his head. He pushed them aside and payed attention as he was about to wash the knives.
When Patton and Roman had finished, they sat back on the couch to watch more TV. The pain in Patton's chest was still there. He felt. Sad. Roman noticed his change in attitude and looked over at him.
"Patton are you okay?" Roman asked.
Patton looked at him. "I'm actually feeling really tired all of a sudden. I'm going to go lay down early. Goodnight Roman." Patton stood up and stretched.
"Okay, goodnight Patton." Roman continued to watch the TV.
Patton walked up to his room. He entered his room and opened his door. He shut it softly behind him and started to prepare for bed. He tried to ignore the sadness growing in his chest. Patton yawned and laid down on his bed. He turned off his light and tried to go to sleep.
He looked at his stuffed blue bunny that he uses for when he feels really sad. He turned away from it in denial. He couldnt close his eyes just yet. His mind wandered to Virgil and Logan. He thought about them being in a relationship, them doing couple things. Holding hands. Hugging. Cuddling. And...
Patton suddenly turned over and grabbed his bunny. He held it tight and close to his chest. He felt the sadness grow. He tried not to think about the bad part. He focused on the good. He closed his eyes, and a single tear fell from each eye.

In Virgil's room. Logan and Virgil were sitting closely on the bed. They had had a talk about what had happened at the dinner table. Logan moved his hand and took Virgil's hand in his own. Virgil was feeling confused. He didn't know how to handle all the attention. When Logan took his hand, he turned his body to face Logan and leaned into him, holding his hand.
Logan's eyes widened a bit. He slowly wrapped an arm around Virgil. Logan pulled Virgil close to him. Virgil closed his eyes and took calming breaths. Logan wasn't sure what to do next so he just stayed where he was.
When Virgil had calmed down, he sat up again next to Logan, but didnt let go of his hand. Virgil yawned and shook his head afterwards, causing his bangs to stick up a bit. Logan brushed his bangs back down over his face. Virgil looked at him. He wore his usual frown.
Virgil yawned once more. Logan almost layed down on Virgil's bed. He thought for a second before speaking.
"Virgil, do you mind if I...spend the night in here? Or would you rather I leave the area?" He inquired.
Virgil only shook his head and squeezed Logan's hand more. Logan adjusted his position on the bed and rested on his back. Virgils eyes were growing heavy. Logan pulled Virgil to his side, and Virgil almost immediately snuggled close to him. Logan wrapped his arms again around Virgil.
Virgil opened his eyes for the last time and looked up at Logan. Logan looked at Virgils eyes and watched as they disappeared behind his eyelids. Virgil fell into a nice peaceful sleep. Logan stared at the ceiling. His heart was still warm. Today was a successful day for Logan. He eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep beside Virgil. Meanwhile Roman was to stay up until 4:00 am then pass out from soda and hardcore Disney movie watching and fanboying.

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