Chapter 7

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     Cierra groggily opened her eyes, she heard shuffling around the room she shared with Mila. She rubbed her eyes and reached for her purple glasses. Once she put them on, she saw Mila searching through drawers. She sat up in her bed and yawned. Mila turned around.
     "Oh, sorry to wake you." She stated as she heard the other girl wake up.
"No no its fine." She yawned again stretching. "I've got to get used to walking up earlier. Even on days off."
Cierra then noticed Mila was fully dressed. She tilted her head in confusion. "Where are you headed off to? Got a hot date?" Cierra chuckled.
Mila found a decent pair of shoes, and put them on. "No. Leo is being picked up today. I'm doing a home check with the family. One of the workers called this morning about it." Mila began to brush her still wet hair.
"Oh yeah, that's right." Cierra scratched her head. "I guess we should tell Pat and Roman they don't have to do volunteer work today."
"Actually, I was thinking maybe Pat would like to come along. After all he did get Leo a forever home." Mila put down her brush. She took a hair tie in her hand and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.
A little bit of Mila's hair was sticking out from the ponytail. Cierra got up and undid it. Mila handed her the brush and Cierra took to brushing her hair back. Cierra gathered Mila's black hair and put it in a neat high ponytail, just how Mika liked it.
Mila turned around. "Thanks."
Their faces were closer then they thought. Mila's nose was barely touching Cierra's. The two blushed as they realised what position they were in. Mila moved away from Cierra.
"Yes, thank you for helping me get ready. I must get going if I am to make it on time." Mila still wore a slight red blush.
Cierra nodded. "Better be off then. Drive carefully."
Mila nodded and walked out of the room and towards the front door. Her head was down as she texted Patton to meet her at the park as soon as he could. When Mila had closed the door, and Cierra heard the car start and Mila drive off, she sighed and laid back down on her bed. It did not take her long to fall back asleep.
She was awoken to something hitting her on the head. She shot open her eyes and sat up. Mila stood by her bed, holding a pillow and smirking.
"Get up you lazy lump!! You've been sleeping all day!" Mila stared at Cierra.
Cierra looked at her dully. "No thanks." She plopped back down on the bed, closing her eyes. "I'd much rather sleep." Cierra began to get comfy again.
Mila once again hit Cierra with the pillow. "Cierra!" Mila whined. "It's 4:30!" I left at 6 this morning. Get up!"
Cierra didnt move. Mila huffed, she began hitting Cierra with the pillow yet again.
"You do know that that isn't going to work on me, right? If anything it's relaxing." Cierra cracked open an eye at Mila.
"Fine." Mila put down the pillow.
She slid off her shoes and undid her pony tail. Cierra closed her eyes again and sighed. Mila suddenly pounced on Cierra and Cierra's eyes shot open once more. Cierra looked up to see Mila sitting on her waist, and hovering over her.
"What are you doing?" Cierra asked.
     Mila tugged at Cierra's shirt collar. "Trying to get you up!" Mila rested her hands on Cierra's collarbone.
Cierra groaned. "But whhhy!!" She threw her head back on the pillow.
"Because I made dinner plans with Patton and Roman at 5 and it's," she paused to check the clock. "4:40!"
Cierra shot up, throwing Mila off so that she landed on her butt on the floor.
"Well why didn't you say so?! I've gotta get dressed!" Cierra hopped over Mila and raced to the shower.
Mila sighed and got up off the floor. Cierra took a speedy 2 minuet shower, and was now madly brushing her fawn hair. Mila put on her shoes again, bit decided to leave her hair down. Once Cierra was satisfied with her hair, the two hurried out the door. Mila, this time, took the driver's seat. Cierra climbed in and they were off.
"Patton said that he, along with Roman, were already going out to eat with the rest of the guys who lived with them. He invited us to come along." Mila informed Cierra.
Cierra shrugged. " Doesn't bother me, but, are you going to be okay?" She looked over at Mila.
Mila paused before answering. "Yes. I'll be alright."
Cierra kept looking at Mila. "If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me."
"I'll be fine," Mila reached over and gently took Cierra's hand, it was a thing they did to comfort each other, "promise."
Cierra gave Mila's hand a little squeeze before Mila turned into the parking lot where they will be eating. It was 5:15. Mila sighed and the two quickly went inside. They told the hostess that they were meeting people, and went to look for them. They found them sitting in a big booth at the back of the restaurant. Cierra waved and smiled.
Her and Mila sat down next to each other. Cierra sat by Roman. Two other men were sitting at the booth, one with a blue tie and glasses similar to Patton, and the other had a dark black and purple jacket, and messy hair, that looked nothing like Roman. Cierra smiled at him and he seemed to shrink as he weakly returned the smile. Cierra put her hands in her lap and beamed around the table.
"Hello everyone, my name is Cierra, this is Mila," she gestured to the timid black haired girl next to her, who, much like the dark persona, shrunk under the gazes of new people, "and we work with Patton and Roman." She finished.
The man in the blue tie adjusted his glasses and looked at her with seemingly blank eyes. "Salutations. I am Logan."
"And the emo nightmare trying to hide under the table over there, is Virgil." Roman put in before Logan could.
Cierra chuckled. "And that's perfectly fine! Mila over here isn't too much better." She looked at Mila.
Her and Virgil had locked eyes and we're both staring at each other with equal angst. Patton looked from virgil, to Mila, to Virgil, back to Mila, and to Virgil again. Roman just stared blankly ahead. He lifted his hand to look at his fingernails.
"Virgil, have you gone straight? Stop staring at the poor girl." Roman simply said.
Virgil snapped his head around to glare at Roman. "Have not! I....just don't like meeting new know this..." Virgil pulled up his hood and sat up, looking down.
Cierra watched as Logan gently pulled off Virgil's hood, leaned in and whispered something to the dark trait. Virgil seemed to calm down and placed his hands on the table. Cierra looked again towards Patton to speak to him, but his face was burried in the menu. Cierra picked up a menu, and the others slowly did. Cierra and Mila looked through it and decided what they would get together. They settled on a large sweet tea, with a huge bacon cheeseburger.
When Cierra had put down her menu, she noticed that Logan's arm had found a new perch around Virgil's shoulder. Her eyes lit up in an amused, knowing glint. Mila didn't follow her gaze, instead, she looked down and rested her head on Cierra's shoulder. Which in turn made Cierra's heart flutter. Cierra then noticed Patton turning his head away from the sight of Logan and Virgil. She thought she could see a glint of sadness in his eyes, but they went away quickly as Roman suddenly leaned his body over to show Patton his phone.
Cierra smiled. "You seem to be a fan of his!" She chuckled.
Patton nodded. "He's so friendly and cute!"
Logan lifted his head at this. Cierra look at him.
"Oh, Patton? Do you have a...crush?" Logan asked.
Cierra turned her attention back to Patton a bit confused. Patton shook his head.
"No! Rosco is a dog at the shelter."Patton told him.
Logan only nodded and went back to talking to Virgil. Soon, their food arrived and they all ate. Swapping stories and tales with everyone, they laughed a lot. The night went well. Mila eventually opened up and found herself a new spot next to Virgil. The two were going over bands at the moment.
Patton sighed contently. "Boy it's gotten late! We'd all better be headed home." Patton got up, after leaving a tip for the waiter of course.
Cierra nodded, looking over at Mila as she yawned. "Yes it has, and you two," she gestured to Patton and Roman, "have to come in tomorrow bright and early!" The six of them got up and headed out of the restaurant.
Cierra drove this time on the way home. Mila fell asleep soon after she got in the car. Cierra rested her hand gently on Mila's thigh as she twitched. When they got home, Mila was still asleep. Cierra turned off the car, she opened the door on Mila's side.
Carefully she lifted the sleeping girl up, and walked into the house, carrying her. Cierra looked down at Mila's sleeping face. She smiled softly at her. She carried Mila to their room, and set her gently on the bed. Cierra leaned down and lightly kissed Mila on the forehead. Mila's arms shot up and wrapped around Cierra's neck, pulling her into a hug.
Cierra's eyes widened. She hugged Mila. Mila's eyes closed once more, and she fell asleep. Her arms stayed locked around Cierra's neck. Cierra climbed into Mila's bed and wrapped her arm around Mila's stomach. Cierra soon fell asleep.

It was the next morning and Patton and Roman were getting ready for their volunteer work. They headed out the door while Logan and Virgil kissed a bit on the couch. Upon arriving at the kennels, Roman and Patton noticed that Mila and Cierra were avoiding each other at the moment. Patton shrugged and went to check on Rosco.
Patton crouched down and stuck his fingers through the cage. Rosco yipped in happiness as Patton scratched his head. Patton looked towards the parking lot and saw a women and her husband walking towards the cages. He stood up and greeted them.
"Hello, my name is Patton, are you looking to adopt one of our adorable pooches?" He smiled.
The women nodded. "Yes, yes we are. We were here a few weeks ago and we have a dog in our minds. He was so cute, and friendly, and I just couldn't get him to leave my mind!" She smiled. The husband just stayed quiet.
Patton smiled and giggled. "He sounds perfect, so many dogs have that personality, do you remember what he looks like, or his name?"
The women nodded and started walking towards the back of the cages. Patton followed her and her husband trailed behind. The women stopped in front of Rosco's cage.
"Rosco!! Good to see you boy! Did you miss me? Do you remember me?"
Patton felt his heart drop to his stomach. Rosco sniffed the women through the metal bars of the cage. She stuck her finger through and he licked them, wagging his tail. Patton walked up behind her.
"You're interested in Rosco?"
"Yes very. We want to adopt him out."
Patton swallowed, feeling a lump in his throat. "R-right this way then." He walked towards the adoption table and handed them papers.
Cierra came up behind them. She looked over Patton's shoulder and saw the papers. She smiled. The women walked back to the cages, Rosco's cage.
"So, whose getting adopted today?" She asked smiling.
"Rosco." His voice cracked as he said the dogs name.
Cierra's smile disappeared. She placed a hand on Patton's back. "Why don't you go switch the dogs out."
Patton nodded and whistled for the dogs in the dog run to come to the gate. Grabbing leashes Patton led the cage dogs to the dog run. The dogs inside the dog run ran to their respective places with Patton's command of "CAGE!" Once all the dogs were in. Patton looked back at Cierra. She was waving him over.
"Patton, I want you to do the home check with me. To say goodbye to Rosco."
He could only nod. Cierra and Patton waited until the end of the work day to do the home check. When it was time, Patton took Rosco out if his cage, clipped a leash to him, and walked him to Cierra's car. Patton sat in the passenger seat and Rosco jumped up on his lap. Patton stroked the dog. The car ride was long; but it seemed to Patton that it was way too short. He felt his heart sink more as they pulled into the lawn of the soon to be owners of Rosco.
     Patton opened the door and stepped out along with Rosco. Cierra gave him a sympathetic pat on the back.
     "Yes I am afraid this is the hardest part of working here. You'll be okay Pat, if this goes well, Rosco will have a new forever home." Cierra smiled. Patton only looked down at the strong pitbull sniffing the ground. Cierra and Patton walked up to the front door and knocked. They were soon greeted again by the women.
     "Rosco!!" She greeted the dog. 
     The home check went really smooth. The yard had a high enough fence so Rosco couldn't jump over and escape, or dig under. The inside of the house had no hazards to Rosco. Upon further inspection of the house, Patton discovered that they had a cat. An orange tabby by the name of Yolk. He was just a lil kitten and Patton kept his distance from the small adorable animal, fore he was allergic to cats.
     Yolk rolled on his back, grasping a loose feather from a cat toy in his paws. It tickled his nose and he sneezed and bit at it. Patton pulled out his phone and started recording from a distance, and zoomed in the camera. The video lasted about forty five seconds. He sent it to Logan. Patton suddenly sneezed, then walked further away from the cat. He sneezed again, and decided to go outside. His phone vibrated as a Patton got a text message.
Logan: Patton, do you hear that in the background?
Patton: Huh? Hear what??
Logan: Watch the video again and listen closely.
Logan: At about 20 seconds in is where it starts.
Patton: Alright, I'll check it out.
Patton replayed the video. He held the phone speaker to his ear and listened. His eyes widened as he heard what he did.
*Phone rings* hello?
Yeah she's still talking to them about the dog.
*Patton giggles in the video*
Ya know, this is fucking stupid. It's just a dumb dog I don't even want it, but she insisted we get it.
Yes I'll be over as soon as I can, just as soon as the wife gets the workers out of here.
*Patton says aww to Yolk*
Why? So I can get rid of that damn dog!
It was the husband speaking.

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