Chapter Two Memory

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The next day as I made my way to biology, I was already annoyed with myself because I had butterflies in my stomach. Josh was talking a whole bunch to me walking with me to class today which was unusual. He endured Jen’s stares and stayed his ground. Jen was being obviously rude today and that was not helping my mood either. I had a feeling Jen wasn’t going to change and that it was just going to get worse with her.

Lost in my thoughts as we entered the classroom, I searched out my desk and Ayden was already there. He looked up as I entered and met my eyes taking a deep breath either he did or I did or we both did. I set my face to a determined expression. Josh followed my gaze and fumbled over his next few words.

“Well I’ll see you later Cail,” and he headed to his own desk. I really wasn’t paying that much attention. I think I said bye softly and marched over to my desk. I gave Ayden a defiant glare and sat down looking forward. Now what!

“Hi, I’m Ayden sorry for my rudeness yesterday, and not introducing myself, I was not feeling that good,” Ayden spoke to me for the first time. I turned to look at him he had politeness written all over his face. His voice was just as sexy. Sultry deep controlled and husky a hint of an Irish accent which told me he was Irish. It took me a minute to compose myself. I could smell his scent to which was alluring it was sweet, woodsy, like the forest fresh in the morning with sunshine. I had to find something to distract myself so I got out a pen and my notebook.

“Hi I’m Cail,” more of a statement since he already knew my name from the teacher yesterday. He smiled. What was with this guy? His smile was irresistible and sensual. There was something not right about how he made me feel but yet I didn’t seem to mind.

“Are you looking forward to senior year?” he asked searching for something to say or talk about.

“Actually no I just want to get it over with,” surprising myself by being honest with this creature. He looked surprised with my answer as well as amused, he giggled quietly more like a scoff without opening his mouth. That annoyed me.

“What?” I snapped outright, he just looked at me and smiled.

“It’s nothing my apologies that was rude,” he had such a warm soft way of speaking, my annoyance instantly dissolved. My heart thumped again and he stole a glance at me at the same time. Then I thought of something to say.

“Hey what did you say to my friend Jen yesterday at lunch? She seemed angry the rest of the day,” I asked innocently. He stiffened slightly and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“She was very aggressive,” he paused on the word aggressive seeming to struggle with using the word. But he finished with an absolute air in his voice, and I knew he wouldn’t say anymore. It was my turn to smile as that did sound like Jen; so he had turned her down. My heart fluttered a bit over this information.

“What?” he asked smirking, guess it was his turn. I just scoffed and smiled and shook my head.

“Nothing that just sounds like Jen,” I replied amused. I turned and looked over at Josh he was watching me and Ayden. I sighed and waved at him. He just looked away. Frowning I thought well even though I would have turned him down regardless he should have at least tried asking. Ayden was watching this exchange.

“You know he likes you,” Ayden stated rather than asked the question.

“Yes but I’m not interested,” I looked back into those eyes of his and gave him a sad smile. I swore I saw relief pass through them briefly and was gone. I couldn’t be sure. I squinted at him questioningly he was so different. He looked away then and we went through the rest of the class working on our assignment. He lingered when the bell rang and decided to walk with me. I didn’t feel like stopping him.

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