Chapter Sixteen Plans

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“What’s uh oh,” Ayden demanded, as he cradled me on the couch. My sobbing had slowed and calmed to snuffling.

“I think it means that smoky has more in mind than killing us,” Darius actually sounded concerned.

“Beth knows,” I whispered, why I thought to say this I did not know probably to get myself to talk.

“Knows what,” Ayden was confused by my statement.

“She’s related but is suspicious, she did some research found out that there was no more original Irish Conner’s around for a long time,” I said closing my eyes. The fear bubbled again and I sobbed a little bit more. If Beth also found out she would be in danger.

“Oh great so she could figure this out to,” Darius yelled throwing his hands up in frustration. He was pacing back and forth in the living room.

“Shh, Cailyn,” Ayden was getting a little frantic with trying to calm me down, since it wasn’t working very well.

“Hadrian wanted to see me because of you two,” I started to talk slowly, trying to calm myself for Ayden’s sake. His concern was overwhelming since I never felt such terror before.

“And,” Darius pressed.

“Darius shut up,” Ayden snapped and Darius gave him a glare and growled slightly. He turned back to me nodding to continue.

“Hadrian said he is going to let Darius play his games, he knows about your vendetta with Ayden,” I managed giving Darius a hard look. Darius was taken by surprise with this.

“He knows how you both feel about me and said eventually you will punish yourselves over it,” I looked at both of them seriously. Ayden looked angry and was glaring at Darius. He knew what I meant the Ancient had said. Darius was speechless for once.

“He said in the end I will be dead or turned or you two will have destroyed each other,” I finished soberly. Ayden was furious; his mouth was in a tight line. He wasn’t saying anything either.

“We will just have to kill him then,” Darius scoffed, as if it was the simplest answer.

“I doubt that,” I said.

“No, Cailyn no ancient is going to tell me how things are going to go from my plans,” he said fiercely, with passion in his eyes. I shook my head and furrowed my brow burying my face in Ayden’s chest. Ayden held me for a few more minutes.

“I need to speak to Darius privately,” Ayden said firmly but calmly. I nodded, “I willbe back,” he gave me a reassuring look and kissed my forehead lightly.

“Of course,” Darius said they were both eyeing each other dangerously as Ayden stood up. Darius said a few other words in a different language I did not understand. Then the two of them were blurs out the door. I hoped they wouldn’t try to kill each other. I just sat there and starred into space for a little while.

So both of them had feelings for me, I loved Ayden and their fate depended on my choices. I had already chosen Ayden. What more could there be? Was this ancient suggesting I had feelings for Darius? I thought and entertained that for a little while.

He was intense, funny, gorgeous and reckless. I smiled I admired his blunt and carefree outlook on life but I wasn’t in love with him. I shook my head this problem was Ayden’s and Darius. There wasn’t anything I could do about the situation right now. I was in love with Ayden and that was all there was to it. No matter if I discovered any attraction to Darius it would always be Ayden.

I went upstairs to take a bath; I needed the heat to relax myself. I ran the water wishing it was in Ayden’s bath tub. I sank into the water and let my mind go blank. I tried to think of happy things, Beth and I dancing together at the dance, going shopping, hockey nights with my father. Ayden kissing me….. Darius kissing me….

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