Chapter Fifteen Dark Visitor

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I opened my eyes slowly, squinting at the sun shining through Ayden’s big bedroom window. I smiled, I felt elated and relaxed. I turned around in the bed slowly so I wouldn’t disturb him. He was lying on his back eyes closed. He was not wearing his shirt still and I gazed at his beautifulness and peaceful face. He did look a little dead as he slept. His chest lightly rose and fell as he breathed steadily, the muscles rippling gently. I curled my head on the pillow and just watched him sleep. I didn’t want to wake him and he looked so peaceful. I was so utterly happy and in love with him.

A little while later his eyes opened slowly and looked right at me and he smiled. He reached an arm out for my waist and pulled me to him in one fluid motion. He nuzzled my neck, kissing me in the fold of my neck.

“Morning, my sweet,” he said sleepily. I giggle, I could feel his happiness.

“Morning,” I kissed his forehead it was what was within reach.

“Morning people!” a loud exuberant, familiar but annoying voice chipped in.

“Darius, what the hell are you doing? Get out!” Ayden demanded angrily, rushing to cover me with the blanket. I was wearing shirt but it was still rude of Darius. Darius was fully dressed and had a silly grin on his face as he eyed us.

“I have see it all before, if I haven’t I’ll throw some money at it,” he said raising his eyebrows giving me a charming look. I scowled.

“What is he doing here?” I asked Ayden.

“He well….,” Ayden trailed off as Darius interrupted him.

“I live here,” Darius supplied amused that he got to be the one to tell me. My eyes widened and I gave Ayden an angry look.

“We both have owned this property since…,” Ayden said to me looking sheepish.

“Seriously, and you never thought to tell me,” Ayden mouthed ‘I’m sorry’. I shook my head; I wouldn’t be able to stay mad for long.

“Ya, babe I been around a long time,” Darius perched himself at the foot of the bed, and tapped my feet tickling them. I kicked him.

“Darius is also originally from this area,” Ayden informed me.

“But I am way older, long before any town settlement or country at all for that matter,” Darius kept talking like we were old buddies. I just shook my head and smiled laughing. He could be quite funny.

“So how old are you then?” I asked him.

“420 something baby,” he popped the b in the word ‘babe’.

“And Ayden is 218,” so much time for them both.

“Ya we used to be like brothers,” Darius said giving Ayden a glare of contempt.

“So what is the plan about the ancient vampire?” Darius asked giving us a mischievous smile.

“Are you still planning on killing my girlfriend?” Ayden said sarcastically. I scoffed at him. He smiled and stroked my arm shaking his head.

“Sorry, I am just hounding him,” Ayden said to me.

“Turn not kill, but that does involve dying, and no not particularly since smoky showed up,” Darius answered Ayden patting my feet. He spoke like this was the most normal conversation in the world to be having.

“So this shadow is an ancient vampire?” I asked looking at Ayden.

“Yes and we pissed the ancients off,” Darius replied instead. I looked at Darius getting annoyed now.

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