Chapter Four Date Night

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“So what do you all think?” asking around to all the people in our decoration committee. Beth and I had just presented our enchanted green/emerald forest idea to everyone. Beth loved it of course she was on board before the meeting.

Nods of approval echoed around the room looking like a bunch of bobble heads. So we began to make up lists of what we would need in supplies. We decided on forest green and mahogany paint for cardboard cutouts and posters for the dance in the gym. We finalized it as the ‘Enchanted Emerald Forest’. Most of the schools advertisements for it were just the 'Welcome Back Senior's Dance', but this was just for the night of the dance.

We decided on getting sparkling streamers silvery ones and stars to hang from the ceiling, so the low light during the dance will twinkle like a night sky in an enchanted forest, as best we could get it to do so. I thought it was going to look great. I had a little fantasy or day dream right then of dancing slowly with Ayden under the twinkling lights his muscular body pressed up against mine and arms gently around me. I smiled to myself.

“So when do we want to transform the gym the dance is next Friday?” someone asked.

“Wednesday and Thursday after school no one will be allowed in the gym on Thursday and Friday so it will be a surprise for everyone on Friday night,” Beth provided the answer. It was after school on this Tuesday early evening week three of school. The school should be empty now except for a few lingering teachers and staff and maybe some custodians it was well past 4pm.

“Is Mr. Arnett going to get us the supplies and keep the gym secure?” another student asked.

“He should, we already spoke to him at the end of school today and he said to leave the supply list on his desk when we finished,” Beth provided again she was the one dealing with those details and left the creative aspects to me.

We talked a bit longer made up plans and designs for the decorations made sure our supplies list was thorough but didn’t want to break the budget for one dance. The group finished up and we gathered our things getting ready to leave. I hadn’t told Beth about my dream yet, matter of fact I hadn’t told her much of anything lately, the man in the cemetery, my dream, my information about Ayden or at least what seemed suspicious information. I hadn’t mentioned it to Ayden yet either, I though as Beth and I made our way to the parking lot we planned out our shopping day.

“My dad pretty much forced a lot of money on me to get a dress and whatever else I want for the dance and it was just cause I told him I had a date,” I was a little embarrassed and Beth laughed.

“Sweet when did he get the money though?” she knew we weren’t wealthy.

“He has been working extra shifts, he says because he wants me to have whatever I want or need for my senior year,” rolling my eyes at the memory three weeks ago.

“Wow did he really? Your dad is always awesome like that though,” my father and Beth had always gotten along great.

“I just hate how he feels like he has to I never ask,”

“Maybe he just wants to Cail sheesh,” she patted my shoulder and I shrugged. I was truly grateful for how my father treated me.

“So Saturday are we on for shopping then?” Beth said excitedly she loved to shop and I enjoyed it not as much as she did, but I rarely got a chance to.

“Awesome, uhh you have a visitor,” giggling as we got to the parking lot there was only a smattering of cars around and so it was obvious where ours were and who my visitor was. I followed her gaze and Ayden was leaning against my car still and starring off into the distance at nothing in particular, he hadn’t seemed to notice us yet. Beth nudged me encouragingly mouthed ‘bye’ and went off to her car. Approaching my car he turned to greet me.

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