Chapter Three The Dream

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“Brace yourself,” Ayden said quietly to me with a dopey grin on his face, as I sat down for biology class. It was the middle of the week. I hadn’t had a lot of time to do much thinking about the first week of class things just kind of started to go about into a regular routine. Busy as well since things always seemed to pick up when school started again more to do and less free time.

“What! Why?” Ayden talked to me regularly in class now, still reserved but he was more comfortable and open now. Before I could get a response he turned to hide his face and show an air of disinterest at the same time that Josh came up from behind me.

“Hey Cail,” I whirled as he startled me. I smiled at him.

“Hey Josh what’s up?” he shifted from foot to foot and didn’t seem to know what to do next. This didn’t feel promising.

“Well I was uh wondering if you would go to the welcome back senior dance….with me?” he asked so fast and added on the 'with me' that I almost missed the question, plus he turned red right afterwards as well. Oh crap! Impeccable timing there Josh. What was even more curious was how did Ayden have an idea already, about what he was going to say, and find it amusing. I turned red but not from being shy or embarrassed.

“Oh Josh I have already been asked and I kind of said yes,” I tried to make it sound unimportant. I felt bad, the first time he asks and I had to turn him down, but the reason was completely different than what I thought it would be when he did finally ask me out.

“Oh Ok who asked you…?” he didn’t finish his question when I stupidly flicked my eyes in Ayden’s direction and Josh had caught that and knew who had asked me.

“Oh ok got it well see you around,” he sounded angry but not at me. He went quickly back to his desk. I felt awful and whirled on Ayden.

“Kind of said yes?” he tried to sound hurt, but amusement twinkled in his eyes.

“How did you know he was going to ask me that?” I hissed angrily at him in a low voice, so I wouldn’t be overheard. He fumbled for words at first before answering me and was surprised by my reaction.

“I heard him talking about it before you got here,” he said quietly.

“From across the classroom?” there is such a thing as good hearing, but not that good of hearing with all the other students chatter. He didn’t respond.

“Ya right,” my voice was angry now. I plopped down into my seat angry and feeling bad about how that situation happened. I was angry at Ayden for being amused by it and sad that I hurt Josh’s feelings without even trying to.

Ayden was visibly upset about my reaction he didn’t say anything but for the first time he reached out and touched me, well my hand. It was light as a feather but he instantly pulled his hand away again but I felt it. It was like a low vibrating hum of electric current even though his hand was a cool temperature. It was shocking that just a simple touch sent so many sensations through me, my heart picked up pace and warmth pooled to the spot where he had touched me as if I had been burned (his name meant fire).

My mouth opened slightly from the surprise. I was getting afraid with all these overwhelming feelings that kept reverberating between me and Ayden whenever I was near him. I looked him in the eye and I could tell he had felt it to, surprise and shock were just as much in his expression as it was in mine. He didn’t comment on it though. Instead he apologized.

“I am sorry Cailyn,” his eyes were burning with longing and something like hunger but he was genuinely apologetic.

“Apology accepted,” I replied,turning back to face the front of the class he continued.

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