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The hate was real.

Jinyoung would lock the door and refused to look at Mark.

Mark's life was messed up.

Jinyoung would  do anything just to avoid or ignore the elder.

Mark was the opposite. He would do anything to get Jinyoung's attention.

Jackson and Jaebum would do anything to keep the others safe so they didnt dared to interfere. 

One night, Mark was still restless. He went to his balcony and fell into a deep thought.

Should I keep him? Nah. His family killed mine.

Is there something positive he feels for me? Nah. He feels hatred and loath. 

Do I approach him? Nah. I'll probably just get ignored.

Mark didnt even hear the soft click of his door.

"Hyung?" Yugyeom called softly.

Mark turned around and rose his brow.

"What's up? "


"I'm giving you five seconds-"

"Jinyoung-hyung and you still fighting?"

"Yeah..." Mark whispered and Yugyeom hugged his brother.

"We may be not real brothers by blood, by by heart. I love you hyung and I hate seeing you like this." Yugyeom spoke

"I dont know what to do anymore." Mark said weakly.

"Are you willing to forget and let go everything for you to be with Jinyoung-hyung forever?" Mark shook his head and Yugyeom sighed.

"You need to make up your mind hyung. Do you want him or no? Its just a yes or no. Choose wisely or you'll regret it forever." Yugyeom said then left.

Mark was going crazy.

He left his room and sighed.

"If barging right into your room is a way to make you mine again... I'll do it."

Daehyun kicked the door open and gasped when he realized Jinyoung is missing.

"Jinyoung-ah!" Jinyoungie..."

He read the note and he couldnt help but to cry.

Dear guys,

          Hello. Thanks for everything you've done for me. For the good and bad memories and for the moments we've shared. This may be so selfish of me but... I cant take it anymore. Its way too suffocating... Tell Mark thank you. Thank you for making me realize how much of a fool I am. If I'll be lucky and make it out... I'll be back... I'll come back.


"But when?" Mark whimpered and hugged the note.

He laid on the bed and inhaled the younger's scent.

"I miss him..." Mark cried and eventually fell asleep.

Ever since that Day, Mark became more harsh.

He would snap on the smallest things. He would get so mad at little things and he would hurt others.

He refused to eat together with his friends like what he used to.

He refused to talk to them.

He refused to sleep in his room and he would sleep on Jinyoung's room just to cry himself to sleep.

"Fucking bitch. Where are you? I miss you so fucking much!" Mark choked out.

Jimin and Yugyeom sighed.

"He regrets it..."

"How can we help him?" Jaebum asked

"Give him time." Jackson answered.

"If only I treated you right..." Mark fell on his knees and sobbed as he hugged Jinyoung's pillows.

"I fucking hate the fact that I love you even though I shouldnt..."

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