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"Hyungs... Are you sure this is the way for Mark to love me again without hesitations anymore?" Jinyoung's voice quivered

He never wanted to leave them but then met Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunho and Changmin.

"Yeah. If you'll be stronger, he'll love you more."

He's a fool for love.

Of course he loves Mark. He wanted Mark to be his. He wanted Mark to love him without hesitations.

"Okay... I'll sign the contract."

Youngjae signed the contract and the four smiled.

"Darling, our Channie and Hyunie is visiting us." Jaejoong said and Yunho smiled.

"Are the son in laws coming too?"

"Only our Baby Jae. Uppie's sick... Poor baby, lets visit him sometime."

Those names seems familiar...

"A-are you a couple?" Jinyoung asked.

"Married for 8 years and we have 2 handsome and charming sons."

Jinyoung was awed.

They entered the mansion and Jinyoung awed Yoochun and Changmin.

"Jinyoung the answer is no. I will never go out with this person over here." Yoochun pointed at Changmin who was currently on his phone, smiling like an idiot.

"Go talk to your sugar baby-"

"He is not my sugar baby! I do not have one!" Changmin snapped

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever."

Jinyoung was led by Yoochun on his room and Yoochun gave him a small smile.

"You know, I used to train Mark back then."

Jinyoung's interest sparked up.



"What's he like?"

Yoochun was about to answer but then was cut off by the voices downstairs.

"Mommy~ We're here!"

That voice seems... Oddly familiar.

"Awe... Pretty Youngjae is getting prettier day by day." He heard Yunho.

"What about me Dad?"

"Of course Princess Himchan. Did our dear puppy son in law proposed?"

"N-no dad... Not yet but maybe soon?"

Jinyoung peeked his head outside his door and his eyes widened when he saw Kim Himchan, Jung Daehyun and Yoo Youngjae.

"But guess who proposed?" Daehyun beamed.

Changmin, Jaejoong and Yunho let put a gasp and they broke into a smile.

"Youngjae said yes to me and... Youngjae is now my fiancee!" Daehyun beamed and wrapped his arms around Youngjae.

"Oh my god... Is that true?!" Jaejoong squealed and Youngjae smiled shyly as he showed them the ring on his ring finger.


"I heard Jinyoung is missing. You've seen him at the party with Mark right?"

"Yeah but that was a long time ago." Changmin said.

Jinyoung closed the door gently and Yoochun gave him a concerned look.

"Mom. Dad. We wont hate you... We just wanted to know... Is he here or not?" Himchan asked

"He's here."

Jinyoung gasped and clenched his fists.

"Liars... You told me I'll be safe-"

"Dont worry. I wont tell. No WE wont tell. I mean its his choice. To be the Mark Tuan's lover, he needs to be tough emotionally and physically. Many people fancies Mark Tuan."

Jinyoung let out a sigh of relief and the door gently opened revealing Yoo Youngjae.


Jinyoung gasped.

"H-How did you get here so fast?"

"Its my thing."

"Baby? Who are you talking to?" Daehyun asked and his eyes widened at the sight of Jinyoung.

"Omo. Nice to see you again Jinyoung." Daehyun smiled.

"L-likewise... You wont tell anyone I'm here right?"

"Of course. Its not like we wanted you to be separated from your love but... We think you did the right choice. I mean, if you would go out with Mark and make your relationship in public, you need to be strong. Haters, bashers and crazy admirers are everywhere."  Daehyun spoke and Jinyoung smiled.

"Congratulations by the way."

"Thank you."

"You wanna train with me?" Youngjae asked with his cute smile.

"I'm scared. You're way too strong for me-"

"Its okay. I can adjust. We'll train emotionally first."


"Thats good!" Youngjae beamed as Daehyun wrapped his arms around his fiancee's waist and buried his face on the latter's shoulder.

"You look so good together... I can hear the wedding bells ringing from a far."

The two were smiling happily.

"So does you and Mark. You two look perfect together."

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