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Jinyoung woke up in the middle of the night and smiled when he realized they somewhat changed position. He was now hugging Mark in his arms. Mark was sleeping peacefully with his face buried on Jinyoung's chest.

A smile bloomed on Jinyoung's face as he saw Mark sleeping peacefully. He wanted to pee but the handcuffs were bothering him. He tried getting rid of the cuffs but in the end he woke Mark up.

"Don't go..." Mark whined and hugged Jinyoung wriggled.

"But Mark I need to pee! Quickly or I'll pee here!" Jinyoung groaned.

Mark removed the handcuffs and Jinyoung bolted inside the bathroom. He did his business and went back to the bed only to see Mark sitting up with his eyes struggling to be awake.

"Go back to sleep Mark."

"But I don't want to lose you again..." Mark said and yawned.

Jinyoung smiled and wrapped his arms and legs around Mark then they went back to sleep. Mark's hands was resting on his butt and legs. Mark was also smiling in his sleep.

"You like my butt so much?" Jinyoung asked as he rested his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"Yes. Soft and squishy. I love you more tho." Mark said sleepily and kissed Jinyoung's shoulder.

"Go back to sleep Mark... You're tired."

"I don't want to... I mean I can't go back to sleep. You go to sleep baby." Mark responded and kept on caressing Jinyoung's butt.

"Lets just stay like this..."

"Mhmmm... you mean I can touch your butt and legs like this?"

"Sure. Just don't insert a finger down there." Jinyoung said and closed his eyes.

As Jinyoung closed his eyes, he cant help but wonder why his dad is with Yoo Youngjae's dad. He was really confused on what on earth is happening.

What will happen to me now?

He was can't go back to sleep nor want to talk to Mark at the moment. He can't talk too much because his throat hurts because of their activity hours ago. He was also too comfortable to move. Mark does his wonders again...

"I'm scared to wake up Jinyoung... everything feels like a dream to me. I'm also scared to close my eyes... maybe when I wake you won't be here anymore... What do I do? This is so hard for me..." Mark whispered.

"I need answers later Mark... that's why I came back." Jinyoung said and cleared his raspy throat.

"I'll answer whatever you want..." Mark said and Jinyoung hummed in agreement.

"You're the meaning in my life... You bring feeling into my life... what song is this again?" Mark asked and Jinyoung snorted.

Mark recited a song and didn't even know its title but still... Jinyoung found it so cute.

"What are you doing Mark?" Jinyoung asked when Mark pinched himself.

"Checking whether its real or not. Having you here with me feels like a dream." Mark sighed.

"Idiot." Jinyoung giggled and pecked Mark's lips before getting off him.

"Hey. Get back here. I was enjoying squishing your butt." Mark whined and Jinyoung rolled his eyes before sitting up.

It was still outside and Jinyoung went to the balcony, not caring if he was still stark naked. It was only them tho... the others are inside their rooms and they are quite far from the city. They also don't have neighbors and its only Mark who'll get to see him naked.

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