Chapter 1: First Day

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I stood at the entrance of the school, holding tightly to my backpack straps.

"Ready for your first day of school, Laura-Chan?" Mariko asked.

"I think so..."

"C'mon, it can't be worse than the entrance exam."

I start to remember having to face giant robots during the entrance exam. I sighed and looked up at Mariko. Mariko smiles at me, gesturing me to walk towards the entrance.

I faced the gate and gulped. I started walking towards the building.

After I went inside the school, I was walking down the hallway, looking for Class 1-A. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, which made me jump slightly. I turned around to see a tall man with shoulder-length black hair, with some hanging down in front of his face, a half-shaven beard, and a small mustache. He also had bandages covering his face.

"You must be Laura Kinney." He said, sounding somewhat bored. I nodded at him.

"Good. I'm your homeroom teacher, Sensei Shota. You might know me as the hero Eraserhead. Let me take you to your class." I nodded at him and followed him as he started walking. He stops in front of the door I passed a minute ago.

He entered the classroom as I followed behind him. I saw most of the students who were once talking, putting their attention on sensei. They all then stared at me, causing me to look away from their gaze.

He turned me around, making me face the class. I gulped, feeling their eyes on my face... and a few on my chest. "M-my name is Laura Kinney. I-I am new to this school, and I hope you all treat me well." I introduced shyly.

Some of the students gave me a friendly smile, some of the students' faces were slightly red, and one student just scoffed and looked away from me.

"Alright, Kinney-San, you can take a seat next to Midoriya-kun," Eraserhead said. I looked at the student with black curly hair and green highlights. He seems pretty friendly. I walked towards the desk that was between Midoriya and some other boy.

When I took the seat, I noticed Midoriya-kun staring at me. "Kinney-san?" He said. I turn to face him. "Yeah?" I asked.

"What's your quirk?" He asked curiously. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "You know. Superpowers," He explained.

"Oh. I can heal fast."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yup. And you can call me Laura."

"Alright, Laura-san. You can call me Izuku." I nodded at him, then faced at the front of the class.

Sensei was talking about a school sports festival, which caused everyone to get pumped up.

It was lunchtime, and some of the students were still in the class. I was about to leave until a bunch of people surrounded me.

"So, Laura-chan, what's your quirk?" A pink girl asked.

"Where are you from Laura-chan?" A frog looking girl asked.

"You single, Laura-Chan?" One guy asked.

That last one made me feel uncomfortable and a little confused. "C'mon, leave the girl alone." A boy with white and red hair said. Everyone's attention was on him now, which gave me the chance to sneak away from them.

As I snuck away from them, I accidentally bumped into a guy with spiky ash blonde hair. "Watch where you're going." He said with a deadly glare.

"Sorry," I apologized, walking past him.


I was spending my lunch break with Momo-san. I was planning to spend it alone, but she insisted on hanging out with me. She was talking about why she wants to be a hero (which sounds admirable).

"So, why do you wanna be a hero, Laura-chan?" Momo asked.

"Well, to be honest... ever heard of the Wolverine?" I asked her. She starts smiling widely, looking excited.

"Of course! Who doesn't know the Wolverine of the X-Men!?" She chirped. I was pretty surprised by her enthusiastic response. "So, you want to be like him?" She asked. I nodded at her.

"Who wouldn't want to have an awesome quirk as he does?"

"They call it mutations in North America..., and they were treated like freaks," I said sadly.

After School

I opened the house door and saw Mariko behind it. "So, how was your first day?" She asked. I shrugged and walked inside.

"Make any friends?"


"Did you tell anyone that you're related to the Wolverine?"

I turn around to face her, and she looked serious. "N-no?" I answered. She started to walk towards me. "Did you show anyone your metal claws?" I shake my head.

She sighs in relief. "Phew. Alright, good." She walked towards the kitchen.

"So, you will be joining the U.A. Sports Festival?"


What could go wrong?

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