Chapter 1: Mission Briefing

606 15 12

12:00 pm

Happy Harbor

Mount Justice

July 22, 2017, Sunday 

What a beaUTifUL day to mess up. All the team wanted to do was relax and take it easy. But NooOOOOOoOOOOOOo. They had to go on a mission. Joker had to sell drugs in Gotham. He just had to. And Robin had to go with the team. He had to get kidnaped. He had made that one mistake today. Well, now that you're here, no point in leaving you in the dark. Here is what happened on that amazing day. Robin was lounging around the cave that day. He had come in to try out the new trapeze but had decided to stay away afterward. The Team would be going on a mission in a few hours, so Robin decided to spend his time here, instead of the Batcave. He was in the training room with Kidflash and Artemis arguing about the targets.

 "Artemis, for the last time, they're perfectly fine." Said Robin. 

"NO. They're too far away. I will literally bring in a tape measure to show you. It's supposed to be 100 yards away. It's only 85." 

"Artemis," argued Wally, AKA, Kid Flash, "Why does it even matter? You think the bad guys are going to say, Oh, wait  Artemis, I'm not 100 yards away from you yet. No, they are going to try to KILL you." 

"Whatever, Baywatch. I'm going to take a shower." And with that, Artemis left. Robin wiped his forehead dramatically. 

"Well! she seemed wellmed." 

"Dude. She was so not- what is it you say? Whelmed."  Robin shrugged.

"Mmm. Whatever. I'm going to go some of Megan's cookies. Wanna come with?" 

"Aw, HELL YEAH!" Yelled Wally. 

{Le Time Skip brought to you by the Argo ll }

'Team, come to the control rooms. I have a mission for you. Batman out.' 

The team rushed to get their suits on. They headed down to the control room where Batman was waiting. Once everyone was there, Batman pulled up a file and started to explain the mission. "Joker has a new toxin. It's a converted version of Joker Gas that is very poisonous. One hit, and you'll be in the infirmary for weeks. He has a huge supply coming into the docks in Gotham. Usually, I would take care of this with me and Robin, but I am needed on the Watchtower for off-world matters." He said sternly. 

"This is a COVERT MISSION ONLY. Nothing more than going in, collecting data, and leaving." 

Everyone nodded their head and waited. they all remembered the last time they had gone on a 'covert' mission. It had not gone well. The entire Justice League had to intervene when Simon, a telepathic psychopath had captured the entire team. Nobody wanted a repeat of the lecture they had gotten after that. Wally could still remember the aching in his hand from the essay he had to fight for Batman. Batman looked up from the file he was holding and continued. 

"Artemis and Aqualad, you will sneak in the back to find a way in. Miss. Martian and Superboy will go in and take out any guards blocking the way. there should be a computer with all the files on the gas and where it is going. Kid Flash, I need you to get me as much information as you can from that computer. All you need to do is put it on this flash drive. I also need a sample of the gas. Robin, you'll handle that." The team nodded, making it clear that they all understood their roles. Batman sent them to the bioship and sent them off. Little did they know what was in store for them once in Gotham.

The Jokers Effect {PLACED ON HOLD}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon