Chapter 9: The Finding

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Robin was so done with this. He wanted to go home. He wanted to sleep in a bed, not chained up in mid-air. He wanted to be out of this hell hole. Fortunately, Robin wouldn't have to wait much longer for his rescuer. Batman had a lead. It was small, possibly a waste of time, but at this point, Batman would take anything he could get.

"I'm sorry," Superman, AKA, Clark Kent said, choking on his coffee, "You think what?"

"You heard me, Clark. I think he's in Austin." Clark was silent for a moment, before speaking.

"Bruce, that's over a thousand and a half miles away from Gotham. What is he doing in Texas?"

"I don't know?!? It's just a theory, ok? It's been 3 months, at this point, I'm willing to take anything." Clark just sighed and put his hands up innocently.

"Alright, well, good luck. Call me if you need anything, ok?" Bruce nodded, closing the video chat and turning his attention back to his computer screen. He kept typing, scrolling through files and looking at maps. He was looking at a Bane file when something caught his eye. 

"Team,"  He called, "meet me in the cave. Five minutes. Be fully geared for a mission. I think I found Robin."

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