Chapter 10: Breakout

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Robin shivered in his bonds. The freezing water running down his back was making him wake up quickly. Robin cracked open his eyes and looked around. He was in a different room, not the cadge he was in previously. This room was brighter, with white walls and white tile floor and a white ceiling. The chair he was tied to was white. 

"R-redecoration?" Robin said shakily.

"Yeah, well." Joker said "I thought that old cadge was getting a bit old, don't you think? It smelled too much like bird blood." Robin glared at him. " the little birdy mad at me? Well, good news, because after today, I doubt you'll be sane enough to care."

"W-what are you talking about?" Joker just laughed. Robin tugged at his bonds, having no luck in removing them. 

"Well, being quote-unquote, 'insane' myself, I thought I should expand my arts in torture. I wanted to do something special, ya know?" Robin was still very confused. He watched as Joker walked around the room, checking ropes and support bars, tugging on them to check the stability.  "You see, I was doing some research, looking for some new fun activities to try out." He paused. "Do you know what water torture is?"

"Well, shit." Robin couldn't stop the words coming from his mouth. He knew exactly what Joker was talking about, and he knew that if he didn't find a way out of the room, he was dead. Joker took his time, explaining what Robin already knew. He then turned off the lights, blindfolded Robin, and shuffled around before leaving. 

At first, nothing happened. Then, Robin felt water on his forehead. Then more. Soon, it was drop after drop after drop on Robin's forehead, him unable to wipe it away. It felt as if his head was a rock, the water slowly weathering a hole into his head.

Get me out. Please. 

Robin withered in his chains. He pulled and clawed, trying to find a way out.


A pipe. A motherfucking pipe. 

He could make this work. He could do it. Robin felt the top, sighing in relief when he cut his hand. Robin started to saw at the rope, going back and forth, cutting himself multiple times. It seemed to take forever, and his hands ached, but he finally got them off.  

Robin rubbed his wrist as he stood up. He looked down, noticing the cuts going all the way around both of his hands and wrist. Great, he thought. Now, I have to wear long sleeved shirts for the rest of my life. 

After grabbing his belt, Robin walked around the room, hand on the wall until he found the door. He tried the handle. Locked. Robin turned on the lights. He looked for something he could pick the lock with, anything. Robin looked at the chair. He walked over to it, wiping away the blood and dirt running down the legs. There was a nail, hammered into the bottom of the leg. Robin, with much effort, pulled it out and walked over to the door. He took the screws on the handle and started to turn them with the nail. After a while, the handle fell and Robin caught it so that it wouldn't make much noise. Robin pulled the lockout of the door and opened it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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