Chapter 4: The Mistake

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The team was getting restless. It had been almost an hour since they left Robin and Kid Flash to get information. 

"Mabey Robin is having trouble hacking the computer." Miss. M worriedly. Aqualad shook his head. 

"Knowing him, he could probably hack into the computer in a matter of seconds. He was trained by the Batman, after all." The others nodded.

"Do you think they are in trouble?" asked Miss. M. 

"Maybe we should go check on them. it's been awhile." Said Artemis. Aqualad sighed. 

"Fine. Artemis, go ahead. check on them and if there is something wrong, fire an explosive arrow up as a signal." Artemis nodded and started up the ladder. once at the top, she slowly walked down the hallway. she was halfway there when she heard someone screaming bloody murder. she ran down the hallway into the room to see Kid Flash being restrained by four guards and Robin screaming on the floor, clutching his stomach. Standing over him was Joker. he was laughing and was holding a card in his hand. Artemis broke out of her trance and fired three flare arrows into the air. in minutes, the team was in the room. 

"Joker." growled Superboy. 

"Well! having a little playdate are we?" Joker said, "I would love to stay, really, but I have to run home! I'm afraid my little birdy is not feeling very well today." Joker hauled Robin to his feet, making him slouch against the table. Miss. M rushed forward, but Joker pulled out a knife and held it to Robin's throat. Miss. M stopped dead in her tracks, not daring to move. 

"Ah ah ahh, move one little step, and we might get blood on Boy Blunders cape." Joker spat, his tone quiet and threatening. Miss. M stepped back with the team. The four guards holding Kid Flash let him go, knowing that he would let Joker be for Robin's sake. He ran back to the team. using the link, they started to make a plan. But before they could, Joker spoke.

"Alright. I think I will be leaving now. gotta take care of my Harley back home... I think she'll  love her new birdie." And with that, The floor around Joker opened up. It was a trapdoor. Joker and Robin fell through, taking them to a secret tunnel underneath where the team could not get to. 

"Batman's gonna kill us."

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