Chapter 8: Regrets of a Speedster

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3 weeks. 3 weeks since the mission. 3 weeks since Robin got captured. 3 weeks for Wally to almost go insane. Wally was scared. No, scratch that, he was terrified. He wanted his best friend back, his brother. It was all Roy and Flash could do to keep him running out of the mountain and straight into Joker's lair. 

Everyone on the team took Robins capture hard, but Wally and Roy took it the hardest. Wally, He felt that it was his fault, even though everyone kept telling him it wasn't. 

"I was in the room with him, fighting with him. I should have stopped them, should have let them take me." Barry sighed. The two speedsters were sitting on top of an old apartment building eating fast food. Wally had barely touched his burger, something very unlike him. Flash could tell he was getting depressed again. He was showing the same signs as he was when he lived with his father. Barry had been making Wally were short-sleeve shirts, just in case.

"Kid, listen to me. It was not your fault. There was nothing you could have done. I mean, the Joker?! I can bearly take him alone. There was no way you could have-"

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM! I'm too weak, I can't do anything right. I mess up all the time, I can't even do a simple recon mission!" Wally now had tears streaming down his cheeks as he stood up, ranting about how awful he was.


"NO! Don't tell me that I'm being silly, or that I'm better than I think I am, or any of that bullshit. If it were all true, Dick would still be here. I would have my brother, I would never mess up, AND I WOULDN'T BE SO FUCKING DEPRESSED!" Wally panted, looking back at Barry. Barry walked up and hugged his nephew, and Wally just broke. He sank down to his knees, sobbing so quietly he could barely be heard. Barry sped over to his nephew and hugged him as tight as he could. Wally melted into his mentors embrace and let himself be cradled. 

"Wally, I am so sorry you feel that way. I understand, ok? I understand what it's like to have important, caring people ripped from you, feeling like it was your fault. But I have to tell you, it's not. It's not your fault. It's really not. There is nothing you could have done. Joker is a psychopath, and he will always deny this, but even Batman has a rough time with him. Robin didn't get captured because you're too slow, or not good enough. It had nothing to do with you. Got it?" Wally nodded, still being hugged by Barry. "How 'bout we call it a night? Maybe go to the house, watch a movie?" Wally just nodded, staying silent. Barry got up, keeping an arm around his protege. The two walked back to Barry's house, watching Roman Holiday, strangely Wally's favorite movie. About halfway through, Barry felt shuffling on the couch and turned to see wally trying not to fall asleep. Barry chuckled to himself, grabbing Wally gently and letting him fall asleep on his lap. Barry turned off the TV, watching as Wally peacefully slept. Barry knew that he would wake up the next morning, crying as he usually did. Barry didn't know how to stop it. he didn't know how to make it go away. All he could do was hug Wally through it and keep an eye on him. And that's exactly what he did. All night long.

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