Chapter 6: Pain

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Robin stared at the briefcase in front of his face. He had just loved looking at the things villains used to torture him with. He'd rather them just get it over with. But, of course, Joker just had to feed his ego, rubbing it in Robin's face that he had captured the famous Boy Wonder, the Robin, one part of the amazing Dynamic Duo of Gotham City. But Robin knew the real reason Joker always targeted Robin during fights. Batman and Joker have been fighting for years. (1940 if you want to know. That's when Joker was officially created.) And Joker always knows how to get to you, how to get inside your head to find what he wants. Torture was just one way for him to pass the time. 

"Now, my little Robin, I'm in a good mood today. So I'll make you a deal. I'll let you choose which syringe you want in your pretty little arm first!" Robin actually laughed. 

"How 'bout I shove one up your ass!" He yelled. Joker just sighed. 

"Well, if you're going to be like that..." Joker walked over to a tray and set down the case. He picked up the syringe in the middle and walked back over to Robin. Robin eyed the tool in Joker's hand, slightly shifting around in his chair trying to cut the bonds. Joker squatted down next to Robin. 

"Nice form" Robin muttered, trying to buy time by conversation. 

"Why thank you. Now, before I give this to you, I'm just gonna explain something to you. You do anything wrong, I will give you one of these," He held up the syringe," and after today, you will be very obedient." Before Robin could say anything, Joker pushed the contents into Robin's arm. At first, he felt nothing except the tingling of the needle. Joker pulled it out. Then, out of nowhere, a hot line of excruciating pain shot up Robin's spine, making him arch his back. He thrashed around in his chair pulling against the bonds as the pain slowly spread through his body. His already broken ribs seemed to burn against his skin as he moved, making him whimper. His vision turned red and he could hear the blood rushing through his ears. As he sat there, trying his hardest not to scream, Harley Quinn came through a little door. She sauntered up next to Joker and placed her arms on his shoulder. 

"Watcha doin' Puddin'?" She asked in a playful tone, watching Robin as he withered in his bonds, tears streaming down his face as he tried not to scream. 

"Oh, you know Harley, just dealing with our little problem." 

"If I'm such a problem," Robin said through clenched teeth," Then how about you just let me go?" Joker laughed 

"Nice try Boy Wonder. But I still want to have some fun." 

After about 4 hours, the pain Robin felt subsided. It was still there, but not as bad as before. Joker walked up to Robin. 

"Alright. Now that you know what the punishment is, let's hope you're smart enough not to do anything stupid."

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