Chapter 2: The Mission

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The team arrived in Gotham for their mission. Once in sight of the building, Aqualad turned to Miss. Martian. 

"Set up a link please." Miss. M nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. soon, everyone could hear her voice in there head. 

'Everybody linked?'  The team nodded and replied. As instructed, Artemis and Aqualad snuck through a tiny window on the top floor of the warehouse. Everything was slippery from the water in the ocean and smelled like salt. Artemis looked ahead and saw two guards blocking a doorway. shadows from the men inside were cast on the side of the wall. She signaled Miss. M and Superboy. Miss. M nodded and slowly approached the two men. One turned around and saw her. Miss. M smiled. "Hi! how ya doing?" she asked in a cheery tone while waving and making him levitate. The man tapped his partner on the shoulder. He turned around, his eyes wide, and opened his mouth to warn the men inside the room. But before he could make a sound, He was thrown into a wall. Superboy came up behind the second gourd and knocked him out with one swift kick. Alright, team, said Aqualad, both guards are unconscious. 

'You may come in. Kid Flash, do you still have the flash drive?' Kid Flash ran up next to the four superheroes. He pulled the drive out of his pocket and started to wave it in Aqualads face. 

'JEEZ! You guys make it look like I am SOOOOOO irresponsible.' '

'That's because you are irresponsible. Robin said jokingly', running up beside him. 'Ok Artemis, Aqualad, Superboy, MIss. M, get out and wait for me and KF at the window. Warn us if any backup comes.' The team nodded and quietly walked towards the window. Robin looked around the corner. He saw two men playing card at a table. One had a knife in his pocket, and the other an assumingly loaded gun on the table. Robin looked at Kid Flash. 

'Ok. here's the plan. Two guys. Gun and a knife. You take the gunman, disassemble his gun and knock him out. I can take the other guy.' Kid Flash nodded. He usually listened to Robins plans, unless they were totally crazy. Well, he still tended to listen. 

Kid Flash burst into the room, startling the two guards. He looked around in mock admiration. 

"WOW! You guys have quite the setup here! Mind if I crash here for a bit?" The guards scowled and started shooting. Kid Flash dodged the bullets as Robin came up behind him. Kid Flash rolled his eyes as he grabbed the gun and broke it into to thousands of pieces. "Guess not" he grumbles, knocking out the guard cold. Robin came over to him with a small cut on his face. Behind him laid a guard rolling on the floor, cradling his broken arm. Kid Flash looked at Robin. 

"Dude, you got somethin' on your face." Robin rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, I know. You got the drive, or did you lose it in your kitty fight?'' Kid Flash laughed. 

"Yeah, I got it. Any passwords?'' 

"Yeah. Let me just get past this firewall, and then we can start looking through files." Kid Flash sat on the table the guards were playing cards on. He picked up some cards. They all had the joker symbol on them. Weird... His train of thought was broken when Robin let out a shout of triumph. 

"KF! Come look at this! It's ridiculous how much information is on this! We hit the jackpot!" Robin continued to scroll through files. Kid Flash walked over to look at him. He was looking at file names when one caught the corner of his eye. 

"Rob, the dude, look. No, no, go back a bit. Yeah, that one." Robin clicked on a file titled:

--. .- ... / ..-. --- .-. -- ..- .-.. .- / -..- ---.. ---.. ----. -.... ..... .--. ...

Robin looked at it. His eyes widened. 

"It's morse code!" Robin, being a batkid, new how to read morse code. "It stands for... what...?" Robin looked confused. "No way. That was too easy." 

"Robin, what does it say?" Kid Flash asked. 

"It's the formula for the gas but... only four guards, crappy security on the computer... Something's not right." Robin looked around until he spotted the cards. He picked one up and saw the symbol on it. His eyes got big. He looked up at Kid Flash. "We have to leave. NOW." 

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