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December 23rd 11:50 pm

Tanya pov:

Maddie is still in Canada on the class trip, but I however am at the hospital. Not for work or because I am sick, a few months ago there was a huge boat crash in Panama and a large beam fell on my husband Jason and he's been in a coma since, well that's what I told Maddie. He's brain dead meaning he'll never wake up. It would be really crappy for me to let them take him off life support before Maddie comes back.

"I miss you, Jason. She doesn't even know...Maddie's in Canada on a school trip, she has no clue that you'll never wake up but I just can't bear letting go of you." I said sitting by his bed holding his hand

"Eva is growing up so much. Everyday she talks about how much she loves school and what she learned" I know he can't hear me

"Mrs. Anderson?" A nurse said coming in the room "Visiting hours are over, you can come back at 8am"

I gave a smile to her and gathered my things and left the room

Christmas eve 9:30 am

Shawn Pov:

I woke up to wind blowing and snow falling, Maddie was still sleeping. I got up and turned the shower on, in the process I accidentally woke Maddie up.

"Morning beautiful" I said giving her a kiss "You can go back to sleep I'm about to take a shower" 
Maddie yawned then pulled the covers back over her
I went back into the washroom and took my clothes off and got in the shower, the warm water felt so good, after standing there for a few minuets admiring the warm water I heard some things knock over
"Jesus Christ Maddison you scared me" I said peaking my head around the curtain
"Sorry I just came in here to brush my teeth" She said putting toothpaste on her toothbrush
"I can get out of you want" she said while brushing her teeth
"Nah you're fine" I said
"Who all is going to be there today?" She asked after she spit out the toothpaste
"My grandparents, a few aunts, uncles and cousins"
After I finished my shower I got dressed
Maddie finished getting dressed and we got into the rental car

Maddie pov:
"I love it when you just don't care," the radio played

I recognized the voice, then I realized that it was him, Shawn was the one singing

"Take your shot it might be scary"Shawn sung as he looked over at me

"This is you?!" I asked "How old were you?" I asked

"About 16" he said

Shawn drove to busy street and parked by a curb

"Where to first, love?" Shawn asked

"H&M?" I asked

"Sounds good"

We walked hand in hand a few blocks, a few people, mostly girls, asked for a picture with Shawn. When we got into the store I looked around and found a cute bralette and a few other things, Shawn followed me to the dressing room and sat by the door while I tried on some clothes, probably bored out of his mind.

I walked out of the dressing room and showed him the bralette, his eyes went wide
"I love it" he said

I smirked and changed back into my clothes.

"Your total will be $25" The cashier said

"Could I get a picture with you?" She asked Shawn

"Sure" He said and she handed me her phone and I snapped the picture

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