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Shawn pov:

It was already 9:30pm, Eva was asleep and we were doing a lesson Maddie had some papers laid out so that it looked like she was working just in case her mum came in.
Her mum texted Maddie to tell her that she'd be working until tomorrow morning. It was already midnight. I stood up stretching

"Well I'd better get back home" I told her leaning down for a kiss

"You're not staying?" She said sounding disappointed

"I just don't want your mom catching us in the morning baby" I tell her

"I'll just sneak you out tomorrow, pleaseee" She begged and finally I caved

We were laying down in her bed, I had my arm lightly wrapped around her and she looked deep in though.

"What's up?" I ask her
"Oh um." She starts "It's nothing really." She says, I can tell that it's not just nothing it's something

"You can tell me anything babe." I tell her and she sat up

"I don't even know how to start this off so I'm just going to say it." She says, I feel extremely nervous,

"I'm pregnant." Those words rip through me,

"You're?" I say but can't even finish the sentence

"Yep." She says, tears start streaming down her face, she got up and ran to the washroom locking the door behind her

When we got home from our date it was around midnight, we tried to make as little noise as possible but when you're drunk that's a bit hard to do...

I took the white dress shirt leaving myself in my black boxers, it wasn't until we were already finished  that I realized that I wasn't wearing a condom.

After a second she opened the door and her eyes were red and puffy, I engulfed her in a hug

"Maddie, I am so sorry" I said giving her a hug

"It's not your fault, wait actually it is." She said after  a few minutes she groaned falling onto her bed and I followed her and sat beside her

"How am I going to tell my mum?" She said shaking her head "Hey mom what's for dinner ?By the way I'm pregnant again" She said crying

"Maddison, I think we need to tell her about us and focus on that then tell her about the baby." I said

"I just want to get it over with." She said using her sleeve to dry her tears "Like tonight"

I grew instantly nervous "O-ok, uh yeah that's good."

We practiced what we would say but I knew that when it actually came time to tell her I'd forget everything. Maddie and I went downstairs, we figured that we might as well make dinner. We made some chicken pasta,

"Hey Maddie, oh Shawn! I didn't realize it was Wednesday" Maddie's mom said "Mmm what smells so good?" She asked coming over to the stove

"Chicken pasta!" Maddie said

After we finished cooking we put the stuff on the table and started eating.

"So um, mum." Maddie started

Maddie pov:

I was so nervous Shawn gave a smile.

"I, we have something to tell you." I said "Don't be mad and do remember that I'm 18." I said stalling.

"Maddison just say it" My mum said taking a bite of pasta

"Ok um, well. I am kind of in love." I said and she smiled "With Shawn," I said and her face went instantly angry

"Maddison," She said putting her fork down "You're kidding right?" She said

"Uh, I am sorry Tanya. I just-" Shawn tried to say

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." She said with a sarcastic laugh

She wiped her mouth and threw the napkin on the table and stormed upstairs

"That went wonderful..." Shawn said trying to lighten the mood

I just sat there, staring at my plate. I felt the butterfly's in my stomach build up until I just about vomited right then, I ran up to my room and he was following me

"Just go home Shawn." I said and he looked sad

I went into my washroom and threw the lid of the toilet open and puked into it. I flushed the toilet and slid down the wall sobbing.

"Do you know how your father would've reacted to this?" My mum said coming into my room "I can't wait until the town hears about this!" She said sarcastically, I slammed the door and locked it

"Maddison." She said

"Go away, you're being so rude and hateful." I said

"Just open the door" She said and I did "Maddi-" She said but I interrupted

"I don't understand the problem, dad was literally 29 when you met him... you were 18." I said

"Maddie, he wasn't my teacher." She said "I'm not super mad, just surprised. I had a few suspicions" She said sitting on my bed

"Well I found a sweatshirt a few months ago and recognized it from Mr. Mendes- Shawn," She said correcting herself "Then obviously when he picked you up for the school trip."

"Yeah about that." I said "It wasn't a school trip"

"Oh I know. I heard him in the background of one of our Facetimes." She said, I stayed silent, just looking down at my lap picking at my nails.

"I have to go, but just know this conversation isn't over. We still have a lot to discuss." My mum said

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