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Maddie pov:

I woke up the next morning feeling nauseous, I put my hand over my mouth and ran into my washroom throwing the toilet seat open and puking, I flushed the toilet and sat on the floor for a bit

I haven't gotten my period which is odd because it's usually on time. I didn't use protection with Cameron or Shawn so it's possible that I'm pregnant with one of their babies. How could I be so stupid?

I looked through my drawers in hopes of finding a pregnancy test, I looked under the sink and found an old one from a few years ago. I ripped the pink box open, I did what the instructions said to do and then sat the test on the counter while I washed my hands. I grabbed my phone and laid on my bed checking my notifications,

I somehow ended up spending 15 minuets on Instagram, I finally realized that I still had to look at the test, I walked into my washroom. I took a deep breath, turning over the white plastic test, there was two pink lines meaning I'm pregnant. I bursted into tears

How am I going to tell Shawn there's a possibility that this isn't his baby?

I walked downstairs, nobody was awake seeing as it was only 6:45 in the morning. I left a note on the counter and put some shoes, I walked two houses down and unlocked the door with the hide-a-way key and went up to his room.

"Maddie?" He said in a morning voice "What are you doing here?" He asked

"I didn't feel well." I said

"Come lay down" Shawn said with a smile

I took my shoes off and laid by him snuggling into his bare chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I don't know, I felt sick" I said and closed my eyes trying to not think about why I felt sick

Before I knew it the sun was shining, I checked the time it was 9:25am. Shawn was asleep, I could hear his little snores. I tried to slip from his grip with out waking him up which failed.

"No, come back" Shawn said

"I can't, I have to do some homework" I said

"For what class?" He asked

"For Psychology and your class" I said putting my leggings back on

"Just tell your mum you're coming to my house for lessons" Shawn said

"We both know nothing would get accomplished." I said "I'll see you later, I love you"

"I love you more" He said giving me a kiss

I went back to my house, my mum was awake

"Morning honey" My mum said sipping her coffee "Where did you go?"

"I went to Kayla's" I lied

"Hmm, Kayla lives across town. The car didn't move." She said

"What's going on Maddie?" She asked

I almost wanted to tell the truth...

"I went to Cameron's." I said "I need to go finish my paper for Psychology"

I went upstairs, I checked on Eva who was still asleep. I went into my room and started my essay for Psychology, which was ironically an essay about couple age gaps.


This morning my mum, Austin and I went to make plans for my dads service. We set the date for Friday, 4 days from now. I had to go to class after that sadly because I had a few tests.

Kayla and I stood at my locker, just talking and gossiping like usual. The bell rang meaning we had to go to class since I had a free period and needed to make up a Calculus test, I walked to Ms. Dyers class. Shawn was in there talking to her

"Good morning Maddison," He said

"Morning Mr. Mendes" I said

"Alright, I'll send you an email about it later" He said to Ms. Dyer finishing their conversation

I sat down at a desk and she gave me a copy of the test. I wrote my name and tried my hardest to concentrate on doing the test, I couldn't help but think about Shawn, how am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant let alone there's a chance this baby isn't even his. I finished my test with only a few minuets to spare of 6th hour, I went out to my car enjoying the silence, I turned the air con on and before I knew it I fell asleep, I woke up 25 minuets later

"SHIT!" I yelled checking the time

I ran all the way to his class and walked it just as he was giving a lesson

"Your assignment is on page-" Shawn said but he stopped as I came in"Miss. Anderson thank you for joining us, care to tell us where you were?" He asked

"Not really" I said getting out paper and a pen to take notes

The class gasped and started laughing

"Sounds like you will be spending detention after school with me." He said

"Yeah, whatever." I said under my breath rolling my eyes

"As I was saying your assignment is on page 325, due by the end of the class hour." He said sitting down at his desk. After the bell rung and all of the students left I stayed at my desk at the back of the classroom. He closed the door and cleared his throat.

"Are you okay?" Shawn asked

I didn't want to say anything,

"Maddie please, talk to me" He said now sitting at the desk in front of me

"I gotta go." I said leaving.

"Maddie please" He grabbed my arm

"I have to go pick my daughter up" I pulled my arm out of his grasp


I was taking a nap when I heard the doorbell ring, my mum is at work so it was just Eva I walked down the stairs and saw Eva opening the door

"Hi Eva, where is your mummy?" I heard a masculine voice say, it was Shawn's

"Eva!" I said going down the stairs "What did I tell you about opening the door?" I picked her up and put her on my hip

"I'm-" I tried to say

"Could I-" Shawn said but paused "Oh, you go" He said

"I'm sorry, for today." I told him

"You have nothing to apologize for, but could I come in?" He asked and I opened the door more for him and he followed

We sat on the couch in silence for a moment.
"I heard a rumour." I said, his silence told me to continue "You were kissing some girl in your room?" I asked and his face went pale

"I promise you Maddie, that she kissed me," He said

"Eva go upstairs for a minuet." I whispered to her and she left

"Lauren and I used to date back in Canada, it's been a few years. She came to visit me during my free class. She doesn't know that I have a girlfriend, literally nobody knows besides my family." Shawn said "I want everyone to know, I'm so tired of hiding."

"I mean I get that, but I just-" I say, I want to be mad at him but I can't I feel guilty.

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