Twenty two

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Tanya pov:
I definitely wasn't totally blindsided by Maddie and Shawn's announcement, I've had my suspicions for a few weeks now. At first I believed the whole school trip to Canada thing, I signed permission slips and everything fake permissions slips that is. It wasn't until long after the trip, Maddie was supposedly at Abby's house, I was on the phone with her and I heard a voice, it had to have been his voice.

I didn't want to jump to any conclusions because I thought
How can my Maddison do something like that?

But I guess I was wrong.

One day I went into Maddie's room to put her laundry basket down and I found a black pullover that said CROSSFIT laying on her bedroom floor, and instantly I knew it was his.

What I didn't appreciate was Maddie bringing up my now dead husband. Sure I met him when I was exactly her age and he was 11 years older, but it's different... His job wasn't teaching me about molecules, he wasn't my teacher.

But I guess I can't blame Maddie for hiding their relationship from me for so long, hell I hid my relationship for almost a year and a half before I accidentally outed myself to my parents.

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