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^One of my favourite songs atm

Shawn pov:

We went back to the cabin and got ready to go skiing, Maddie came downstairs in the skii pants looking cute as ever. I was already dressed with my skii pants and had my coat across my fore arm.

"You ready?" I asked her

"Yes!" She cheered and with that we got into the car

When we got to the ski place we went to the front desk

"Reservation for Mendes" I said to the lady at the desk

"Right this way" She said 

They gave us helmets, some boots, and skiis. After we finished getting everything on we went outside to the ski lift, Maddie looked slightly terrified. When we got to the top we quickly got off the lift,

I showed Maddie some pretty basic things like how to stop, by putting the tips of your skis together, I also showed her how to push off

"You're a pretty quick learner" I said

"Well, I have a good teacher" she said laughing then tumbling down

"Guess I spoke too soon" I said laughing

"Rude," She said punching my chest after she'd gotten up

Maddie pov:

After I practiced for a few minuets we were finally ready to go down the slope, I gripped the ski poles tightly and pushed off as Shawn had taught me and sure enough, I was skiing down the hill

"You're doing it!" Shawn cheered

I had to dodge a few things on the way down but it was fun, finally we reached the bottom of the slope

"Good job baby!" He said taking off his goggles and giving me a kiss, after what felt like hours and hours of going up and down the slope we finally went back to the cabin to warm up

"I'm going to draw a bath if you'd like to join" He said

"Sure, I'll be right up there" I said as Shawn was going up the stairs

calling mum

after a few rings she answered

"Maddison! Hello!" My mum said

"Hi mum" I said smiling

"Mummy" I could hear Eva yell

"Hi Eva!" I said back

Eva quickly came in and said hi

"Look what Santa brought me!" Eva said holding up a doll

"Oh, you'll have to show me all your new toys when I get back"

"Maddie!" I could hear Shawn yell

"Who was that?" My mum asked

"Nobody, I gotta go" I said

"Alright, say bye to mummy" I heard my mum say to Eva

"Bye mummy" Eva said with a sad look on her face

"Bye Eva!" I said blowing a kiss

I hung up the FaceTime and went upstairs to our room where I could still hear water filling the tub

The thought lingered in my mind that what we're doing is wrong, but why is it that something is so wrong can feel so right?

"You ready?" Shawn yelled from the washroom

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