Harry and Y/N are best friends and Y/N isn't his "type" ( or so she's heard)

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Y/N was annoyed.

Her feet ached, the pinafore dress she wore had kept levitating with the wind and threatening everyone a glimpse of her panties, the song blaring through the speakers was some weird mix between EDM and Indie music, and she was surrounded by loads of inebriated people, when she herself couldn't justify getting drunk tonight. There was a time and a place to let yourself go, she thinks, and at a makeshift club in New York in someone's backyard you aren't familiar with in a more weird part of town, was not one of them. Especially when entrusted with an affable (and indeed sozzled) pop star, who was feeling an adrenalin high from performing and being the center of attention in the room.

The leathery bar seats are sticking to her sweaty thighs while she sips from a glass of iced tap water, even though Harry had given her free range on his card, she couldn't convince herself four dollars for a water bottle was worth it. Mosquitos were trying to test her as she batted them away, wondering why rich people wouldn't just rent out a club instead of using their backyard. Admittedly it was nifty – with it's own bar, a pool with crystal blue water, and it's own class A chef and a cute little snack line, accompanied with a DJ and an overly large sound system – but with all that money spent, they couldn't invest in netting to keep the bugs out? She already feels a bump on her thigh that'll itch to no end which is making her resent the new curl sprouting boy floating his way through the crowd that she was watching over, somewhat closely.

Jeff hadn't told her to stalk him or anything – her and Harry were friends, so he just asked if she would tag along with him while Jeff went back to his hotel. Asking Y/N to tag along was his subtle way of requesting that she keep an eye on him, mostly, because Harry is smart – definitely a genius when it comes to public appearances, but drunk Harry has less inhibitions and is more likely to make a spectacle of himself. While sober Harry tries his best to carefully think out his words before saying them, Harry with some vodka cranberries in him will start openly discussing album related topics (more specifically, who each song is about) and if he's really gone for, the size of his prick.

Trust her, she's all for helping Jeff out – once he'd brought her a burger while she was left waiting for Harry in the lobby of Columbia Records office, enduring meeting after meeting just so they could hang out like he'd promised, and ever since she's felt in debt to him. It's just out of all nights to need her, he had to pick the muggiest, grossest, most aggravating night of all. And don't get her wrong, she was still jittery and happy from Harry's performances and how well he did and how lovely everything sounds live, but that's something she wants to share with Harry. Not with Harry and a group of however many other's he's entertaining at the moment...just Harry.

So she's reserving her encouragements and awe for the car ride home, to tell him just how fantastic it was and how much she loves his songs, but in that time she's become increasingly pissy. A grumpy feeling settling in her stomach as she watches him swing his arm around two girls while he leans forward, speaking to another group. It was a friendly gesture, sure, but she looks away before she thinks too hard about it.

Y/N and Harry met a little while back, when she'd accidentally opened her umbrella in front of him and it shot out with the force of lightening, hitting him in the gut. She'd panicked, feeling terrible and a little star struck she stumbled over her words and ended up telling him to stay put before scampering away, buying him a bag of peas and a candy bar as her apology. It was night time so there wasn't a lot of hustle and bustle, and after he'd reassured her it was alright, they started talking some. Casual as Harry is, he made it seem like they were old pals and like her umbrella didn't just slam him in the stomach.

And from there on, somehow they'd managed to become what they are now. Y/N would dare say Harry is one of her best friends and she thinks he'd say the same, given he takes her on trips with him all the time. Like this one, right now. It's obvious Jeff believes she's one of his besties too, if he's willing to leave a drunk Harry into her hands for the night.

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