Chpater 3 - Dark Childhood

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When I woke up, I was in Fred's arms and I was shaking roughly.
I nuzzle my head in his chest. He was my own comfort guy.
"Mary, thank god your okay!" He says.
"What happened?" I say.
"I don't know you had a panic attack. You had a text." Fred says. He kisses my forehead and runs his hand through my hair.
Then I remembered. Michael.
"It said Michael. It seemed threatening to me." Fred says, pulling me close. "Wasn't your step father called Michael."
I nod and a tear slips.
"Oh my god. It was Michael?" Fred says.
I wipe my tears.
"N-no. Don't worry about it." I say. I lay my head in the crook of his neck. He gasps. I look down and he's on my phone. I quickly take it from him. I knew it was mine because it was a white iPhone in Rose gold instead of his black one with space grey. Also you could tell it was mine as I had a floral phone case in pink with little birds on it. I look at what he was on. He must know.
"Mary, the full story. Please. You can trust me."  Fred sighs.
"F-fine. He used to beat me up and give me verbal insults. I-i-i wasn't a virgin when I met you Fred." I cry out.
"He raped you?" Fred says.
I sob into him and he sobs too.
"Oh my god Mary." He says. "You didn't sin, okay. Honey, you can still say you were a virgin okay. God will know all. Don't worry."
"It's not always about sinning Fred. It hurt me so much and—" I cut myself off.
"Mom, its okay." Archie hugs my other side and Veronica gives me a sheepish smile. She holds both my hands and kisses my forehead.
"Yes mom?"
"You were meant to have a sister..." I sob a little.
"What?!?!" He says.
I show him a scan picture.
"Mary Croames... mom this is from when the year when you're 12. Please say you are joking."
"I met you at 12..." Fred says.
"Yes he carried on when I met you. I had my period. I didn't tell Michael because I was ashamed and I got pregnant."
"So what happened to the baby?" Archie says.
"When Michael found out, he didn't want me to tell Fred or mom or anyone. I was dating Fred at the time. Michael wasn't happy. He called me a slut and threw me in an alleyway. He stripped me down and I lay in the alleyway. I thought my life was over." I lift my top slightly and pull my skirt down slightly. It exposes a series of scars.
"That's where my stomach was stabbed and my baby too. I tried to save her. Broke all my fingers." I cry.
Archie gasps. Fred's gasp seemed to be even bigger though.
"Mary. That's how you broke your fingers? You didn't fall and shattered them?"
"That's how I broke my fingers Fred. Trying to save my-my baby!" I cry.
"And the puking blood from internal bleeding is from that?" Fred says.
I cry but nod. Telling Fred did help me, I'll admit.
"It should've been me." I stand, still shaking.
I try to walk to the door and I get to the nearest table my legs give way and I hold onto the table.
"Mary, don't you dare say that." Fred holds me up.
I hug into him. I'm so glad he's here for me. I love him more than I've ever loved myself for sure. Michael used to tell me I was fat but Fred doesn't need to know.

Archie's POV

I feel bad for mom and to say just after she was happy at the engagement party and knowing this. I was meant to have a sister.
Veronica hugs me.
"It'll be okay Archiekins." She sighs.
"It's just knowing what moms been through." A tear slips down my cheeks, sliding like a serpent because I thought my tears was unnecessary. It should be mom upset and not me. I mean, yes, I was upset but it was mom that I was upset about, with everything I heard. I can't understand why somebody would have the cruelty to do such a thing. I mean, damn bro. My phone rings and it's my boss. Mom excuses me and I answer.
"Hey..." I say.
"Archie... where are you at? We haven't heard a new song from you in ages. Can you come in?"
"I-I can't. Mom's in hospital now."
"Oh send my regards. When can you come in?"
"Maybe tomorrow?" I say, with a dramatic sigh.
"That's great Archie. Be there at 8 sharp, got it?"
"Of course. I will be there." I smile.
"Great. Also I found about the engagement." He sounds pissed.
"Yeah, I was meant to—"
"Tomorrow..." he says.
I walk back into the room and I talk to mom for a good half an hour. We have lots of fun and Veronica even paints her nails.

The next day...

"I'm pissed." He says to me. "Of course I'm pissed. I have a right to be pissed."
I was stood in my bosses office and he didn't like the fact of me dating a non-celebrity, never mind marriage. I loved Veronica. I don't care what he says.  A source decided to leak the whole thing. The engagement was private and the location was Secret and everyone who got invited were blindfolded and escorted by trusted escorts and the only people who know the way are me and Veronica. I smile at Veronica through the window who waves and is clutching a black leather Tommy Hilfiger purse.
She walks in the room.
"Mr S—" she says, getting cut off.
"Please be quiet." He says, handing her a big bowl of jellybeans which shut her up. She sits on the sofa next to me eating jellybeans. Oh lord. Candy. She also loved jellybeans.
"People have been requesting your interview with Ellen for a while now." He looks at me then Veronica.
"But doesn't it change now?" She says. She had a mouth full of jelly beans so it sounded like she said but dwoes et shanze nhow.
"You might wanna spit it out and try again" David says, coldly. A stern expression lies against his tight face.
She grabs my hand, spitting a giant multicoloured jelly bean blob into it. Ew disgusting babe. She repeats herself before grabbing the blob and popping it in her mouth again. Ew. That's been out her mouth.
"The demand just got higher for a q and a now Archie and Veronica. Do you guys wanna go through with it?"
I shrug and Veronica does too.
"I think it'll be a good turn for your career." My boss says. I nod.
He's on his phone and looks back up at us. He smiles widely.
"Ellen is a excited to have you today." He smiles.
I nod. "Wait... today?" I say. I gasp.
"That's right. You ready Archie Andrews?" Ellen walks in, with a smile. Oh. My. God. Ellen DeGeneres knows who I am and she wants me on the Ellen show.
Sorry for the crappy chapter
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Shits about to kick off. A special guest appearance guess who? Vote comment and share for free pizza  :) xxx

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