Chapter 8 - The Last Of Us Scare

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The next day... (Veronica's POV)

I look at Archie sleep. He didn't get along with nick last night and now he's sporting a black eye. Nick was injured badly. Needless to say the media found out about it. He wakes up and looks at me.
"Good morning Hun." He smiles.
"Good morning archiekins." I smile.
I get changed wearing a casual jumpsuit and look at Archie who is just in some calvins laying lazily.
"Archie, I'm gonna go out to buy my wedding dress today." I smile.
"Oh okay. I'm gonna pack my case for the holiday." Archie smiles, I'll call in some venues. I have a place in mind.
"Really?" I say.
He nods.
"What is it?" I ask. He taps the side of his nose.
I bring Archie to my makeup table and grab my Anastasia Beverly Hills concealer. I dab it to his under-eye as he groans.
"It hurts Ronnie..." he whines.
"Your fault." I said. "Could of controlled your temper!"
He sighs and I look back admiring my view.
"Archie, you're adorable. Look at yourself."
He blushes and looks in the mirror.
"You're great at this babe." He says. "I might strap an ice pack to it. It usually disappears if I put several on."
I nod.
"Good I don't wanna do it every day. We fly soon. Tomorrow actually. Late packing arch." I say.
His facial expression changes at the realisation of flying.
I hug him.
"It'll be okay. Anyways arch I'm gonna go with Betty, Kali and indie. Don't get too worked up. Also I sent a song in for you because I know you've a lot on right now." I say.
"Babe, you're the best!" Archie smiles.
He kisses me and again, our lips lock in a perfect sync.
I smile into it and pull away slowly when I hear a horn outside.
"Right. Come in!" I shout. Betty walks in; being the neighbour to Fred, she had least journey to make.
"Hey guys." She smiles.
I leave Archie to talk to Betty while I get ready.
When I walk down I give Betty a hug.
"B and V forever." Archie laughs. "Forget me and juggy.."
"Well we're not dating so we need you boys." Betty laughs.
"Of course I need you archiekins." I smile. I hug him too.
"Do not touch the toaster Archie. Or the oven. If you want something made ask your father. Or mom." I chuckle.
"They're in bed though." He whines.
"They won't be at dinner time Archie. Just get some cereals or something. Remember cereal before milk not milk before cereal."
He turns bright red and Betty chuckles.
"Oh arch. You're so silly sometimes." She says.
Indie and Kali knock and I grab my bag.
"Right arch! I'm gonna go." I smile.
"Have fun girls." He says, sipping a coffee. Oh; that I made. Yeah he can't use a kettle. Well he probably could but he'd burn himself because Archie never uses handles I swear. He's like a child.
I walk out with the girls and smile. Today's gonna be sick.

Archie POV
So I put the bread in the toaster. I know v said no but I gotta. But every few minutes it pops up. It's an actual ball ache. How's my toast gonna cook like that. I look at the time. 15 mins.
Mom rushes downstairs looking worried.
"Archie are you okay?"
She's coughing.
"I'm great. I'm just making toast..." I turn around and my toast is on fire. With no warning. Dickhead toaster. Mum switches the plug off as fast as she can then tips water on it.
I sigh.
"I want toast." I pout.
"Well you can't until I get a new toaster or until you learn to cook for one." Mom sighs, coughing.
My dad walks downstairs, coming through some black smoke.
"Fucking hell Archibald." He sighs.
"Ergh." Mom says.
"Mary, what will we do with him?" Dad says to mom.
"Well I dunno. Fred. It's down to you." She replied.
"I think what we should do is put padlocks on things like we did with Archie when he was little." Dad says. I just stood not believing they were talking about me like this.
I pick up a bottle of icing from the table next to the sowing kit.
"Nuh-uh not again Archibald Andrews." Mom says. I tilt my head confused.
"You're not eating paste again." Mom says.
"It's icing." I say.
She turns the bottle. I read the label.
"P,A,S,T,E... pastie flavour." I say. "Sounds delicious."
Mom gives me the 'you serious right now' face. She takes it off of me and I can't taste the delicious contents.
"How do you spell paste Archie?" She asks.
"P,A,Y,S,T,T." I say, smug.
"Archie, You are really simple sometimes. This is one of them..."

Later that day...
Veronica enters with some shopping bags.
"Hey Archiekins. I bought you some cotton shirts from that shop you love so." She smiles.
"Thanks babe." I kiss her.
"Veronica sweetie. Can you come here?" Mom says. Veronica smiles at me and goes into the kitchen. I follow. Mom lifts up the mangled mess of the toaster and nods towards me.
"Archie! I told you not to touch that!" Veronica says.
"It wouldn't stay in so it wasn't cooking and eventually it got set on fire. But I dunno why." I shrug.
"Arch, when it pops up it means it's done Hun." Veronica says.
"Just forget it." I sigh.
"Okay okay." She says.

V's POV.
Archie can be a little bit dumb sometimes. I feel for him because he's the loveliest person ever but he's just so simple. He had made a great musician though. Everyone loves Archibald Andrews' music. And I'm still selling designs like a pop rocket. All because of Archie. He's so lovely and I love him with all my heart. He's the best thing to happen to me. I'm so glad he's proposed to me because I want that baby. So so much. I grab his hand and take him upstairs.

Later that day...

I sit in my bedroom with Archie. Archie is on a bean bag, remote in his hand; playing The Last Of Us on his PlayStation. A zombie pops out just as I look up and I almost shoot across the room away from my sowing.
"Fucking hell arch." I say.
"Sorry. It was a clicker that one." He says. I grab my knitting instead and sit next to him on a bean bag.
"Okay Hun. Let's see what this game is. Especially now I can't stab myself to death." I say.
He chuckles. Showing me his shivs, health kits and guns; he smirks. He calls 5 shivs an achievement I start to knit a little cardigan for a little girl I know.
"That's adorable." Archie says, looking over, while strangling someone at the same time.
"Thanks Archie. Your mom taught me. Think she's knitting you a jumper for old times sake this year."
"Oh god." Archie says. "I hope it's not a kitten with a Santa hat."
"I hope it IS!" I say.

The following morning...
Oh lord so I distracted Archie from it last night by making cardigans and playing video games with him but I gotta tell him he's flying today. Let's see how this works out.
"Archie." I tap him. "Were flying today."
Ooh. Holiday holibobs.
Sorry for not uploading In a while. Two things, Christmas and writers block (it exists!) but thanks for baring with me.
Q: does anybody in my readers celebrate Chinese New Year?
My A: I don't. But I wanna.
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-Ella ✨🙌🏾

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