Chapter 15 - The Wedding // PART ONE\\

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Veronica was so happy last night. I'm just glad we're getting married. I wake up and Veronica isn't there.
"Tradition the groom doesn't see the bride until the wedding, kisses, v" I read.
We're getting married in the Disney chapel and I've invited all our friends and family. I even invited pop Tate. I grab my phone and check my notifs wishing me the best. I walk down to the canteen and eat breakfast.
"Mickey waffles!" I say.
I look around gathering in my surroundings.
"Hey archiekins!" Dad says, causing me to turn around and groan.
"I thought you were v." I sigh.
Mom laughs.
"What's up?" I say.
"It killed not seeing your mom all day on our wedding day." Dad says, sitting with chocolate chip pancakes.
"It killed me more like. I was so scared of getting jilted at the alter because your dad was petrified." Mom says.
"I'm petrified and I haven't even seen v's dress." I say.
"Oh it's a dream. It's white with—"
"Mary." Dad says.
"Oh yeah. It's a surprise." Mom says.
I smile.
"I'm excited."
"Archieeee." I hear Jughead say and he walks up to us as I cringe.
Jug was my best man and he was happy about that.
Moms phone pings.
"Oh wow. V wants me to get ready. Somehow I'm a bridesmaid." Mom says. She rushes off.
"V asked me to give her away." Dad smirks, flexing. I hit him.
"Well I mean you have looked over her since the first reggie incident." I shrug.
"I guess I'm her dad now." He says. I roll my eyes.
"I dunno dad. We're not married yet." I shrug.
"Just don't mess this up Archie." Dad says.
I shrug.
"I won't. V means the world to me." I say. Dad kisses my cheek, walking off.
"Well I gotta go see my beautiful daughter-in-law to be!" Dad says.
"See ya dad." I shrug.
Jug takes me to get ready for the wedding.
"Archie can I ask something?" Jug says.
"Of course." I say, slipping my pj bottoms off. Yes I wore pjs and I'll happily do it again. Comfy as fuck.
"For gods sake Archie. Don't take your underwear off." Jug says.
I slip my underwear off, putting new ones on.
"God Archie." Jug says.
"You've seen it before." I shrug.
"Well I was just thinking... I wanna propose to Betty." Jug says.
"That's amazing. You make her so happy."  I say.
"Really?" Jug says.
I nod.
"Proposing to v was the most nerve wrecking thing I've ever done." I bite my lip.
"Oh wow." Jug says. "The famous Archie Andrews. Scared? Of denial?"
I nod.
"I'm not as confident as everyone thinks. I put on an act." I say.
"What do you mean?" Jug says.
"I... I turned down a concert opportunity." I say.
"Are you a retard?" Jughead says. Straight to the point much.
"No I'm not a retard Jughead I just ... Im scared." I say.
"No hater would go to a concert. Tickets are expensive. Only real fans go. And some real fans don't get the chance." Jug says.
"That's not why I'm scared." I say.
"Then what are you scared of?" Jug says.
"I'm not ready." I say.
"Okay. Well let's stop talking about this for now... your obviously a little upset and this is meant to be the best day of your life!"
"And I'm sure it will be." I say. I look out the window and see a paparazzi.
"Shit." I say.
Dad walks outside and after a while the paparazzi goes.
"V chose the first dance song." Jug says, standing in his tux with the kilt, his beanie still firmly on his hair.
"I know. I don't know if I should be scared." I say.
"I think the song has value." Jug says, shrugging.
I tie my tie and look down at my kilt. Motherrrr why are you Scottish. ((Before yall @ me in rvd in Fred's dream, Archie and jug wear kilts etc))
I look at jug who smirks at me.
I play my guitar for a little while and look at jug.
"I wrote a song. A duet for me and v." I say.
I go through the words while jug nods.
"You're so talented Archie." Jug says. I shake my head. Nah. I just write my thoughts and they turn out musical. I look at him and bite my lip.
"You nervous?" He said.
I nod, close to tears.
"Trust me Archie. Is getting married to v what you want?" He says.
I hesitate and nod.
"You hesitated." Jug says.
"I mean I do but I'm just scared." I say.
"Listen you're both old enough to marry and you probably still wanna." I say.
"But v..." I say.
"Is probably ecstatic." Jug says.
"Well, we'll see." I say.
There's a knock and I open the door.
"Archibald." An unfamiliar person stands. "It's time to go down."
I nod and follow him and he takes me to the Disney chapel. I stand there in front of everyone and it's almost overwhelming.
"Please be seated." The priest says. "So we're here today to celebrate the love between Archibald Andrews and Veronica Lodge."
I nod.
"So this is where we bring in Veronica and Archibald hasn't seen her this morning."
Some music plays and v walks in. Everything seemed so slow and tears filled my eyes looking at my beautiful bride and I wiped my eyes but tears fell. I knew at this point, I'd married the right girl for me. She grinned as she walked down with my dad. Biting her pinky, red glossed lip. Her hair was in a fancy updo and she wore a veil that trailed and was being carried by some kids she used to babysit and her bridesmaids follows, the smallest girl scattering flowers and the smallest boy holding some rings which he reached the alter first and stood holding the rings. Everything seemed perfect.
She stood opposite me, wiping my tears.
"It's okay Archie." She says. I had the biggest smile but tears kept coming.
"I can't stop." I say, which was made to cause a little laughter.
We say our hand written vows. And it was amazing what v thought of me. I wouldn't think that if I dated me. I told v that she's amazing and I saw her eyes light up when I said my vow. My favourite part of my vow was 'although when I dated v I lost a friend in her, I gained a best friend in her, a soulmate and a supportive companion.' I think v liked that because it was quite clever for me cos it went from a bad 'oh' to an 'awww'. I did love v. As much as I could love my wife.
"Right okay..." the priest says. Then it was the moment of truth. Does v love me? Are we gonna get married? Am I gonna drop out? I'm petrified.
"Veronica Lodge, do you promise to love Archibald through sickness and through health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." She smiles. "I really do." She looks at me in the eyes; I bite my lip.
"Archibald Andrews, do you promise to love Veronica through sickness and through health, as long as you both shall live?"
What's Archie gonna say?
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Ella 💜

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