Chapter One

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"Neve, do you have the blaster?" Beadu asked. Neve nodded and placed a large box in the back of their X-Wing, owned by Finnegan. Finnegan started the engine and placed his helmet on his head. "Take off mode initiated! Engine running, Master Ronsen." Beadu waved at Neve and her husband, Finnegan. The ship took off without a broken wire or a loose cable! They immediately reached space, where few ships roamed. "Finnegan, Beadu is alone. Will she even live?" Neve asked impatiently. "My wife is a true Jedi. Sure, she hasn't joined the Jedi Council, but she is my experienced Padawan!" Finnegan replied. He safely landed on Planet Naboo with Neve. They got out and onto the grassy fields of the silent planet. Their ship was safely guarded by Security Guard Jansen Hills, owner of his very own Star Fighter! 

Nobody came back for me. Finnegan sent a Holo-Message from Naboo, explaining that his ship was taken by Tusken Raiders. Sand People, that is. But Tuskens aren't even in Naboo! 
"Beadu, I hope you receive this message... unfortunately, our ship has been stolen by around 28 tuskens. We may take longer then expected. This delay isn't so severe, fortunately! Anyways.. goodbye." He said in the message. This delay of his will affect our relationship so strongly!

Beadu looked away from the Hologram shown, and sighed. She felt a bit empty, noticing the large dents in her life. There was nothing to do, really. Then there was a knock - a violent one - right at her door. Troopers! The door was smashed open almost immediately, and with one shot, Beadu faced a large amount of pain soak in. "Where is Finnegan Haka? The Jedi we seek?" One trooper asked, pointing his gun straight at the weak human. There was one lightsaber hidden with Beadu at all times. She brought it out and dealt with the pain in her right arm. She swung it at the questioning Trooper without hesitation.. "Calling for backup!" A man in a grey suit announced. Count Gunther! He held out his lightsaber almost instantly. They dueled, lightsabers swooshing noisily in the wind. Beadu struggled with walking backwards, staying steady with her hits as she does so. Gunther was too powerful for any Jedi who seek him. Almost as powerful as Lord Vader! The two stayed concentrated on their movements, sometimes even trying to take the chance to disable one another. But it seemed almost impossible for Beadu to kill Gunther. She swung at him many times, only giving Count Gunther more advantage of killing her. Then Gunther took the chance and swung his lightsaber straight through the weakling. She flopped to the floor, her corpse cut in two, her eyes wide. Finnegan, live for me.

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