Chapter Five

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Count Gunther didn't yet hear any information coming from Calla Greer. She had died, most likely killed by Finnegan Haka. The Imperials set up a camera on the assassin for updates, and it still worked. Gunther turned on the video recording.

"You will be killed, Haka. You will be cut in two just like Beadu. You chose your destiny, and you chose wrong!" Calla Greer turned on her lightsaber, the red blade cutting against the floors of the forest. "I will kill you instead. You do not have the force, do you?" Finnegan shot his arm up and pushed the assassin to a tree, where she landed unconscious. The force, he had used. "Finnegan, you will not escape.. me.. or anyone else. I will live another day just to kill you."

That only means Finnegan was alive, on Naboo, roaming the forests.

Count Gunther stayed in the Menacing, a ship he owned in the shape of a Y-Wing, but much larger. It held 63 passengers. 28 Troopers, 9 assassins, Count Gunther, and more were boarding the ship. Then they spotted an X-Wing owned by Finnegan. It is him, Neve thought! The Menacing took emergency exits open in case, and fired at the ship. It fired back. This was the closest Neve has been near Finnegan for a whole month! Then the Menacing had a failing engine, and the ship dangerously landed on Jakku. But somehow, Count Gunther survived. Neve was now a lifeless body.

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