Chapter Three

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Finnegan and Neve settled in a small wooded cabin in the middle of the forest. It was abandoned, obviously because of the Clone Wars. It was still happening, but didn't seem to affect the two Jedi, who somehow escaped the Purge of Lord Vader, Palpatine's apprentice.

"Why did you do that to Hills? He was innocent, Finnegan! Jedi do not kill their friends, do they? How much of a peacekeeper are you now?" Neve blurted out. Finnegan looked over to her, shocked. "Do not argue with me. We are trying to kill Gunther, not argue over peace."

Neve woke up on the wooded floors of the cabin, rubbing her eyes. "Finnegan?" She called. No answer. The young Jedi trotted outside, lightsaber in one hand. Was it the sith, Count Gunther? Or his assassin, Calla Greer? Then, there she stood, Calla - the assassin - holding her very own lightsaber. "We have been searching for you for years, Jedi. Both of you. All of you, to be exact." Calla Greer said. "Finnegan isn't here, if that is who you are seeking. But I won't let you kill me." Neve and Calla Greer both fought for their life, smashing their weapons together every hit. Calla Greer swung for Neve, who dodged the attempt. "Why do you even try against me?" Neve asked, out of breath as she continued to stop each of the assassin's attempts to disable her. This moment was terrifying for Neve - she was losing the battle. She could die from this. Where was Finnegan? Why did he leave? Calla Greer took one last hit, detaching the Jedi's hand. 

Do well. Stay together. Separate and you will lose all that matters to you.

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