Sharing A Bed | Cast

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-A bed hog

-Is in denial 

-Like ten blankets because he’s a petite boi

-Falls asleep cuddling, wakes up in the same position 

-Sleeps in boxers and a t-shirt


-You wake with him nuzzled into your neck

-His legs are tangled with yours

-His arms are underneath you

-Snores faintly, it’s kinda cute

-Drools a little too

-His body is always warm 

-Good cuddler 

-Sleeps in boxers


-Pillow hog

-Still ends up using you as a pillow

-Talks in his sleep a lot

-Just gibberish and sometimes shit about memes

-“What the hell?”

-Sleeps in t-shirt and boxers 


-Cutest sleeping face

-Needy sleeeper

-If you move in your sleep he’ll whimper and pull you back into his arms

-Always uses you as a pillow

-Sleeps in hoodie and boxers


-Doesn’t move at all 

-Three giant blankets

-A billion pillows 

-You both look like a pile of fluff

-Sleeps in T-shirt and shorts


-Haha you thought

-He’s saving himself 



-She tries to cuddle but ends up on the floor two hours in

-Can’t ever get comfortable 

-Sleeps in your t-shit and shorts


-Wild sleeper

-Mutters in his sleep

-One pillow and one blanket 

-You’re freezing because he stole both

-Ends up using you as blanket

-Sleeps in shorts and sometimes a shirt

Word Count: 227

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