How You Tell They Like You | Cast

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-He tries to like what you like 

-Gives you flowers 

-Texts you everyday 

-Calls you “Waifu”

-Defends you at all times 

-“Accidentally” brushes his hand against yours

-Gets all nervous and blushy when he talks to you 

-Wants you to meet his mom and siblings 


-Sends you memes everyday 

-Plays for you 

-Writes songs about you 

-Teaches you how play guitar 

-He sings to you 

-Wants you to meet his family 

-Wants to hang out all the time 

-Compliments you 

-Lets you wear his glasses

-Listens to music with you 


-Makes you playlists on spotify 

-Makes you a mix tape 

-Teaches you how to skate

-Let’s you dress him up 

-Listens to your problems 

-Is open with you 

-He wants you to meet his parents

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