Losers As Friends Quotes

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Bill: "Because getting over you was the hardest thing I ever had to do." -Monica

Richie: "I mean, sure, I have bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have." -Chandler

Eddie: "You're fast and irresponsible, that adds up to a bad driver." -Ross (Most likely regarding Richie)

Stan: "I guess things were just going too well for me!" -Ross

Mike: "This guy says 'hello', I want to kill myself." -Joey (Definitely about Henry.)

Ben: "I really need a friend..." -Ross

Beverly: "Oh my god, I'm a a woman!" -Joey

Henry: "And there's Daddy!" -Chandler

Patrick: "And the tough thing is, she wants to have sex with me!" -Joey

Belch: "Oh god, kindergarten flashback!" -Chandler

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