Chapter Twelve

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Please don't kill me for this chapter! Also, this story is getting so much attention, thank you all so much!

Colby stared at his ceiling, not moving, not blinking, sadly breathing. Brennen had him on lockdown, worried that Colby would do 'something drastic.' Colby had scoffed and walked up to his room. That was yesterday and he hadn't slept.

But right now he thought of Sam.

He thought of their fight, the venomous words Sam had spat at him before his world had collapsed around him. He thought of the blood that had covered the bathroom floor like a crimson rug. He thought of the blue eyes that had seemed so alive only last year. How it all had changed.

"How are you?" Brennen had cracked open the door, watching Colby carefully.

Colby didn't look away from the ceiling. "I'm fine."

Brennen sighed and sat down on the bed, maintaining a careful distance. Colby didn't turn to face him. "I don't believe you man."

"I know," Colby said simply.

Something didn't sit right with Brennen as he watched Colby watch nothing. The brunette had been shaking and screaming and crying and now he was just laying there. Almost as it he was...okay.

"Should I feel this way dude?" Coby asked him tiredly.

"What way?" Brennen frowned. "Colby, what's up bro? You're acting weird."

Colby just shook his head and closed his eyes, expecting haunted images of Sam but just saw darkness. "I'm okay. Why am I okay? It feels like nothing happened. Like it's just a normal day. I don't understand it dude. I'm so confused."

"I don't know," Brennen admitted just as his phone went off. It was a text from Elton and he felt his heart lighten. Sam would be alright.

"Is he okay?" Colby asked, referring to the text that held the fate of his best friend.

Brennan felt the ugly claws of jealousy scrape in his stomach but he brushed it off like always. Colby always cared more for Sam and Brennen could understand that. The duo had been together for years and Brennen was just someone for Colby when Sam wasn't enough. Colby always needed some sort of attention, even if he never actively seeked it. It was obvious enough when the brunette was attention-starved.

"Sam's fine," Brennen said. "He'll be home in a few days."

"When do I get to go see him?"

Brennen chewed his lips anxiously. Elton had asked for Colby to remain in the house. "You don't," he said slowly. "At least, not until Sam is home."

Colby's blue eyes darkened. "What do you mean I don't get to see him?" He growled and Brennen slowly inched away from his friend. "He is my best friend. I have a right to see him and make sure he's okay."

"We know he's not okay," Brennen choked out, fear pooling at the bottom of his spine. "But we don't know how his mental health will be affected if he sees you right now."

Colby sat up, grabbing his shoes. "We?" he repeated, anger flashing across his face. "The others are in on this too?"


"I can't believe this," the boy spat. "It's my fault he's like this and now you aren't letting me make sure he's okay! What am I supposed to do?"

"You're supposed to sit here and wait," Brennen snapped. "Please man, just stay here. Sam'll be okay when he gets home."

Colby flopped on the bed again, fuming. "I can't believe this."

Brennen sensed he was fighting a losing battle. Colby was too stubborn to stay in his bedroom and Brennen knew he wouldn't be able to hold the brunette in the house if Colby didn't want to be held in the house. But Brennen had to do something-

"Sam doesn't want to see you," Brennen blurted.

Colby's face drained and his body fell limp. His blue eyes lost their anger and dulled in shock and hurt. Brennen watched as the life slowly left his friend and he knew he was going to hell.

"Oh," Colby murmured.

"Colby," Brennen said cautiously. "Dude, we can sort this out when Sam gets home. Just-Just don't do anything stupid. Please."

"Okay," Colby said.

Brennen watched his friend crumble inside. "Colby, say something," he pleaded.

"Okay," Colby said again.

Colby was broken. Something inside him had crumbled at Brennen's words and he didn't have the heart to fix it. He was tired, too tired to care about the dust that filled his heart and the ash that covered his tongue. Sam didn't want to see him. Sam blamed him. Sam hated him.


"Okay," Colby cut Brennen off. "It's okay.

"It's not though," Brennen said desperately. "Colby, I-"

"Please leave," Colby requested politely. "I need to think."

Reluctantly, Brennen stood and walked away, unable to stare into Colby's blank eyes. He was to blame for this. He'd split apart the duo, he'd started a rift. He'd made a broken man break.

Colby waited until Brennen was downstairs then he put his head between his knees and he cried.

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