Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I thought the rumours and stories were bad in the morning. Well, give a whole school full of teen's new meat and boring 50 minute classes, and stories involving the cops, tattoo parlours and hookers surface before the lunch bell. The rest of lunch passes with girls twirling their hair around their fingers, whispers and sweet giggles, sneaky looks at New Meat. Audrey and I observe and laugh as girl after girl drops by the table he sits at. Claire's eyes are getting a full workout- between smiling sweetly at Daniel and glaring at the girls who stop by when he isn't looking.

As it turns out New Meat- I mean Daniel- is in my first class after lunch. And of course, he had to be late.

A loud knock at the door drew everyone's attention in the middle of Mr Westfield's lecture.

"Ah, Mr Kepler, there you are," Mr Westfield says, walking over to Daniel. The height difference between the two men was quite comical. Mr Westfield was unfortunately 'gifted' with rather short legs- so the poor man was shorter than most people, but standing beside Daniel, he looked like an elf.

Mr Westfield proceeded to introduce Daniel to the class- but of course everyone already knew who he was.

"Let's get you seated, shall we," Mr W says, clapping his hands together.

I scan the room, looking for the empty seats and realised there was only one- and it was the one next to me. Crap.

Mr W moved me to the corner on a desk of my own because I kept distracting everyone else, he frowned when he came to the same realisation as me.

"Well Mr Kepler, I guess our only free seat is next to Ms Brenton over there. I'm not too happy with the seating arrangement but I'm afraid we've already wasted too much valuable time."

Daniel looked at me and grinned. I looked at Mr Westfield and said, "I think I should be offended Sir," in reply to his comment.

"Your cooperation would be helpful Ms Brenton. Please refrain from distracting Mr Kepler for the remainder of the lesson. It shouldn't be too hard. I can assure you that you'll be back to your solitude by next lesson."

"Well thank god for that, I can't nap comfortably with another person taking up space." My classmates snicker as I grin at Mr W, he gave me a look of disapproval.

"That's enough Ms Brenton. Mr Kepler, please be seated and good luck," he says resignedly, patting Daniel on the back.

I watch my classmates as they watch Daniel make his way to my corner of the classroom. He winks at Claire as he passes, and I can't help but roll my eyes. As he gets closer, I make it a point not to look at him, my text book suddenly infinitely more interesting. I could feel Daniel beside me, watching me. Eventually, I push my textbook aside and pretend to listen to Mr Westfield's lecture. Finally, I give in and turn face to the boy beside me. And of course, he was already smirking.

"Stop staring," I whispered harshly.

"Hello again Jane."

"That's not my name," I harshly whisper, he's starting to annoy me.

"Aren't people supposed to be happier after lunch?" he asks.

"Not when they have to spend an hour in classroom sitting next to you, listening to Westfield."

Before he can reply, Mr Westfield halts his lecture and gives us both a death glare, "Silence, or detention."

I put my hands up in surrender and point at New Meat, "It was him, not me."

"Traitor," I hear beside me.

Westfield looks at me sceptically, "For some reason, Mr Brenton, I find that hard to believe."

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