Chapter 13

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This chapter was supposed to be longer, but I decided to split it into two. Thought it would be easier to read that way, don't want the chapters to drag too long. Hope you enjoy it guys x


Chapter 13

The next few weeks go by in a blur. I'm actually starting to like math; turns out you don't feel quite so suicidal when you understand what is happening in class. Danny drives me to and from school, and even work on the days he has gym and training. I asked why he became my chauffer, and he simply just smirked and replied, "Because Audrey quit, and I'm a good friend." When I asked Audrey the same, she smirked too and said something along the same lines. I guess it is easier, seeing as Danny and I live right next to each other and Miss Cecelia's store is on Danny's way to the gym.

I didn't realise how much Danny had become a part of my life until I was sat talking to Miss Cecelia on a quiet Thursday night after closing the store. The two of us are perched on two stools, leaning over the work bench, dipping strips of freshly baked bread into a hot bowl of microwave soup. "Is your boy picking you up tonight?"

I smile and roll my eyes at Miss Cecelia. She's taken quite the liking toward Danny over the last few weeks, often asking about him and inviting him to dinner at the store. However, what I find not so cute is her insistent hints about the two of us. I've become somewhat used to it, as everyone in my life took it upon themselves to find out whether the two of us were a couple. And no matter who asks me- or in Audrey and Miss Cecelia's case- how many times they ask me my answer is always pretty much the same- no, we are not together, we're just friends. Usually my answer is followed by the same look from every person who has asked me- the 'Yeah, okay. Sure' look; as if they know I'm not telling the truth, which I am.

Miss Cecelia- unlike the rest of my family and friends even my mother has accepted that Daniel and I are just friends- has opted for some reason to simply believe (despite my protests) that the two of us are in fact a couple. Hence, "Is your boy picking you up tonight?"

I sigh deeply, and repeat for the hundredth time, "Miss Cecelia, we really aren't dating."

"Mmm hmm," she says, giving me the afore mentioned 'look', "I see the two of you together, just like me and my Patrick," she says wistfully as she stirs the soup with the piece of bread in her hand.

I smile sadly at the mention of her husband. "We just get along really well. Trust me when I say, he is not the dating type," I say, taking a rather messy bite of my soup soaked bread.

As I frown down at the blob of tomato soup that I just dropped on my sweater, Miss Cecelia hands me a napkin and says, "He had a girlfriend back home, what's changed now?"

My frown deepens at the mention of the other 'Lexi'. I've tried a few times to ask Danny about her, but his answers tend to be pretty vague, and I end up changing the subject because of the awkwardness that the topic ensues. I don't even know her real name, what if it's Alexa, too? That would be way too freaky. What if he's only my friend because I remind him of her? I shake my head, not liking where my though process is headed.

"I don't know much about her, or about their relationship. But I do know he's moved on," I say uncomfortably, trying not to tell her specifically that he sleeps around. It didn't really occur to me how large our high school was, or just how many people I didn't know until after I became friends with Daniel. Yeah, Audrey, Adam and the twins were popular, but their social lives somehow never intermingled with my own. However, since I've started hanging around with Danny, I feel as if I'm the new student, not him. After our 'family dinner' at Miss Cecelia's a few weeks ago, Danny stared sitting with us at lunch; which proved to be both good and bad. Good, because he fits so well into our group. Bad, well, because there's always a line of girls waiting to sit next to him. The group relentlessly make fun of Danny's 'female fan base', but the guys don't mind as they usually tend to find a few 'friends' for themselves.

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