Chapter 6

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Sex – Chapter VI

"Taylor! Please, forgive me, I beg you!"

She grips the icy bars of her cell tightly, as nobody listens to her, ignoring her pleas. She clenches her jaw out of pure frustration, wanting to get out of here but not knowing how to. She's been here less than an hour, and there's no one here with her. She's alone, and she feels the all too familiar prick of burning tears threaten her forest green eyes. She doesn't want to cry, at least not here. She has to stay positive, she has to think that she will see the blonde again, because she can't bear the thought of possibly never seeing her angelic feautures again.

The Queen's heartbroken face shouldn't be on the forefront of her mind, but it is, and she's trying her hardest to push it in the back. She should focus on getting out of here and apologize properly to Taylor. Maybe the blonde doesn't even want to see her. Maybe she hates her, and Karlie doesn't blame her. Taylor should hate her for killing her father, but  it wasn't completely the tall girl's fault. If she hadn't killed Taylor's father, then her family would have paid the consequences. However, Karlie did what she was told, but in the end, she lost her family anyway.

A tear streams down her swollen cheek as her thoughts wander to her family. She could still feel the pain left by Taylor's right hand, but that wasn't a problem for her. She has already learned how to live with pain.

As soon as she closes her eyes, thinking that nobody would come here and rescue her, she hears an explosion in the distance. She lifts her head quickly when a scream follows shortly after. The bang made the walls of the castle shake lightly, and dust falls from the ceiling of the prison cell, resting on the tall girl's brunette hair and furrowed forehead. What was that?

Another explosion is heard, followed by more screams of pain and fright. Now she really wants to get out of here; she needs to help these people, she needs to help Taylor's people. Technically she shouldn't care about them this much, but right now she couldn't care less about who she is and who Taylor is.

She looks at the bars with determination, and using all of her strength, she bends them until she forms a large opening. Karlie squats down and slips through it with ease, since she has technically  snake's DNA rushing through her veins.

However, when she was about to step out of prison, she comes face to face with a jailer, who immediately tries to block her path and stop her. She's quicker than him, and her fist flies across the room, landing right on his nose. He falls down on the floor unconscious, and without wasting more of her time, she runs until she's outside of the castle.

The sky has turned black, the rain was falling hard and all around her were dead bodies. Her heart is hammering against her chest as she calls out desperately, "Taylor!". She can't see her blonde hair anywhere, and this was starting to scare her. She had to find her. She had to help her.

"Taylor!" she yells again, louder. She passes a hand through her disheveled hair as she starts walking quickly through the streets covered with snakes' blood. She almost stumbles upon a deceased when she sees Taylor laying on the floor, her hand tightly wrapped around her injured left forearm. She was about to walk towards her, but then she notices an archer aiming at the Queen's head.

She doesn't think, she just goes for it.

Just when the enemy fires the arrow, Karlie jumps towards it and intercepts its trajectory. The arrow scratches her hard stomach, and she flinches a little as she grasps it tightly. She falls to the ground with a loud thud, a few feet away from Taylor. Blood spills from the little slit, staining her fingertips as she lightly touches the new wound. When she looks up to see if the enemy was still there, she was relieved when she notices that he wasn't there anymore.

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