Chapter 37

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(Author's Notes: So, the moment we've been waiting for is finally here. This is essentially a chapter of 2K words of solely smut lol. And for everyone who doesn't quite understand what the Union Ritual is: it's a ceremony that I've created for this AU that basically replaces the wedding. So you can say that at the end of this ritual Karlie and Taylor are married. Anyway, here is chapter 37! I'm on twitter (@fallfrovmgrace) so if you want to talk about anything or if you have any questions regarding this story, ask away! Thank you so much for reading, I love you. ♡)

Taylor is nervous.

Her legs begin to shake as soon as they enter the sacrarium, the place where they will have to promise to each other that, no matter what happens, they won't leave each other's side. They will love the other for better or worse. Karlie is leading the way, moving closer to the middle of the room, where the majestic statue of Atmosi stands. In order to practice the Union Ritual correctly, they need to show their love through a speech in front of the deity, then, they will be free to go inside their bedroom and unite physically.

"Are you nervous?" Karlie's voice is barely above a whisper, and this room is just so quiet and secluded that they can't even hear the faint sound of the orchestra playing in the Main Hall. They stop in front of the sculpture, facing each other with their hands linked. Before coming in here, they had to change into more appropriate clothing because this was a special occasion; the both of them were sporting an ivory nightgown, their hair falling lightly onto their shoulders.

Taylor smiles faintly, squeezing her lover's hands once. "A little," she replies, her eyes never leaving Karlie's. The former brunette's lips twitch upwards slightly, however, seconds later, a serious look makes its way onto her face.

"Okay, so, I'll begin," Karlie starts, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "I love you, Taylor. Our story is a little bit complicated, but I like it that way. I think that the imperfections in our story are what makes it so perfect to me. And, I'm here for this. For us. For what we'll be in the future. I will always be by your side. If you fall, I'll help you get up. If you will ever feel like running away, I will run away with you. I just want to be there for you. I want you to know how grateful I am to have you by my side. The only thing that I want is for you to be happy, because if you're happy, then I'm happy too. I love you so much, Taylor, and here, in front of Atmosi, I promise to stand by you for the rest of my life,"

The blonde gives her a watery smile, swallowing past the lump in her throat as she tries to keep back from kissing her lover. "I love you, Karlie. I love you for being into my life and I love you for making me feel things I've never felt before. I love how you make me feel less alone, I love how you make me feel like I'm brand new and unique. I love how you always make me feel like I'm on cloud nine when I' with you. And I love you for staying with me even though I was a little bit difficult sometimes," they share a laugh. "But, there's a reason if, amongst all people, I chose you. I will always choose you, Karlie. No matter what happens, I will always choose to stay by your side.  And here, in front of Atmosi, I promise to do just that; to stay by your side for the rest of my life."

At that, Karlie cups her face before kissing her gently. The smaller blonde cups her elbows, keeping her close as the tugging feeling at her stomach grows even more. Now that they were officially united in front of Atmosi, they could move to Taylor's bedroom, and once again the Queen's legs begin to tremble as Karlie pulls away from the kiss, keeping their foreheads close.

"It's time," she whispers. Taylor smiles lightly, taking her lover's hand and leading the both of them to the bedroom.

Luckily, they don't meet anyone on their little journey, and once they're inside the dark and quiet chamber, Karlie locks the door behind her. Taylor stands in the middle of the room, gaping at the taller girl as she moves closer to her awfully slow. When Karlie is right in front of her, mere centimeters separating their heated bodies, the smaller blonde places her hands on her lover's forearms, gripping at them tightly when she felt Karlie flexing her muscles upon her hot touch. The taller girl draws her in, her fingertips grazing the scalding skin of Taylor's hipbones. Their bodies finally connect and the smaller blonde gasps slightly, surprised to find herself already breathless when they haven't even kissed yet. Karlie's eyes are awfully gorgeous up close and Taylor stares at them a little too intensely, because then the taller girl is pulling her in in a passionate kiss. It's one full of anticipation, with their lips barely touching as they breath into each other's mouths, their eyes closed shut.

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