Chapter 8

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Octo – Chapter VIII

The next morning, Karlie wakes up to an empty and cold bed. The sunlight is seeping through the half-closed window, making her squint her sleepy green eyes. She's laying on her chest, her arms wrapped loosely around the pillow underneath her head, as she looks around the room. She isn't surprised to find herself alone in here, however, mild disappointment still makes its way on her chest. As memories from the previous night flash through her mind, she sighs loudly as she stands up from the bed, rubbing her face with both of her hands. 

She knows that, as soon as she will bump into the Queen, there will surely be an awkward moment between them. Karlie doesn't even know if she wants to face the blonde and talk about whatever it was that they did the night before; the brunette's cheeks redden at just the thought.

She knows that she should have stopped Taylor, since she was the one to initiate the kiss and intoxicate Karlie with her sweet perfume. She knows that she should have stopped Taylor because now she's afraid she will fall in love with the blonde if she ever sees her again. Or maybe she has already fallen in love with the woman, she's just not aware of it yet. Get it together, Kloss. She gets dressed, picking up the garments from the ground. She doesn't recognize the lilac sweater, and a blush appears on her cheeks as she realizes that it's probably Taylor's. Nevertheless, she puts it on anyway and exits the room keeping her head low. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, the Queen is kneeling down in front of Atmosi's scolpture, the most important deity of the Anguis culture, situated in the sacrarium. The latter is a dark and lightless chamber, where only the Queen and the ministers were allowed, since it was a holy location. 

Right now her focus is on the Sacred Book which is being illuminated only by a candle. She knows that what she did last night with Karlie was wrong in so many ways, and she's sure she has broken at least one of the important rules that were written in the book, but she wasn't regretting it yet, since she was the one to go to the brunette's room last night and initiate all of it. 

Anguis of pure blood can't be associated with Daark Anguis.

She sighs deeply as she reads this rule, one that she surely broke the previous night. She knows that what Karlie and her did last night was only sex, but she couldn't help the little butterflies flying around her stomach when the brunette had looked down at her with such soft yet intense green eyes. This morning, when she woke up in bed beside the taller girl, she still felt Karlie's lips on her own, and that scared her, because she shouldn't feel this way. At least not towards a Daark Anguis, since it was forbidden. However, she knows that she's slowly falling for the woman. She knows that sooner or later, she will crave for that intimate contact again. She knows that she will want something more with Karlie, even if it's against the rules.

"Forgive me, Atmosi, for I have sinned," she whispers, staring up at the deity's face. Lastly, she lightly kisses the Sacred Book one last time before getting up, with the intention of exiting the sacrarium. However, as soon as she steps out of the sacred chamber, she bumps into the last person she wants to see this morning.

The two women stare at each other with parted lips, not knowing what to say. Nevertheless, Karlie is the one to break the ice, getting on her knees and keeping her head down as she says, "M'lady,". It's the typical greeting Taylor receives from her servants, but this time it was different; something about seeing the taller girl knelt before her makes her cheeks redden, her mind filling with inappropriate thoughts.  

" don't have to do that," Taylor stutters. Karlie looks up at her with wide eyes, before quickly getting up from the ground and averting her gaze in shame. 

"I'm sorry," she whispers apologetically. Taylor just purses her lips, finding this situation to be too much embarassing. "Is there -- do you need my help in something today?" she asks, meeting the blonde's blue eyes shyly. Something inside the Queen's chest ignites, even though Taylor doesn't know what.

"I..." she starts, but she forgets what she has to say as she temporally gets lost in the beauty of Karlie's forest green eyes. ", thanks," she finishes, blushing slightly.

"Alright," the brunette replies, fidgeting with her fingers behind her back. There's a pause in their conversation, but both of them know that the other is probably thinking about what happened the previous night. "Listen, about last night--"

"We don't have to talk about that," Taylor interrupts her, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red now.

"Oh, yeah, right," Karlie says, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Um...I will go now," the taller girl adds, backing away with hesitation. The blonde watches her go, and she doesn't turn around until Karlie is out of her sight. Taylor passes both of her hands through her hair, desperately wanting to get rid of these feelings she has for Karlie. 

What am I getting myself into? 

( I know this chapter is late but I was really busy these days. I hope you like it even though it's really short lol. Anyway, reputation is finally out!! What is your opinion on it and your fav song? Mine are don't blame me and dress, but honestly this is my favorite album ever lol. )

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