Chapter 44 - Finale

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Author's Notes: the finale is finally here, guys! This is the longest chapter I've ever written and I'm sorry if it gets boring, but I tried my best to make it as interesting as possible. Stay tuned for the end of the chapter, there will be more author's notes! With this, I leave you to the chapter and I hope you enjoy this! ♡

When she regains consciousness, nothing had prepared her for the pounding in her head and the emptiness within her heart. Her eyes open slowly, lazily, and take in the sight of her worst nightmare. The first thing she witnesses is the grey sky above her, crying pieces of ash as not even the sun is willing to show itself to the Queen. The smell of destruction floats around the atmosphere, filling her nostrils in the worst way possible. She doesn't know what time it is, but judging by the darkness of her surroundings and the absence of the birds singing, it must be night. Despite the soreness she feels throughout her whole body, she places her hands on the soil ground and pushes herself up with the last strengths she has left.

An eerie silence is all she hears, apart from the crackle of the flames eating the remaining buildings. The terrain beneath her feet is covered by the ashes falling from above her, and she even has some of it in her hair, forming a slightly grey halo.

As her eyes scanner her surroundings, she realizes that she's, in fact, alone. Everything is quiet, almost too quiet for her liking. She definitely passed out when that tall man had punched her in the face, and who knows where everybody is right now since, apparently, Anadea has been burned to the ground and there was no trace of Damian nor of her lover.

She finds the strenght to move her fragile body, as she begins walking slowly through what once were the streets of her beautiful city. She calls out Karlie's name, Agust's, but no one responds to her pleads. She was left behind. Didn't Damian want her dead? Why hadn't he killed her when she was in no conditions to defend herself? And why is everyone else gone? Did Damian kidnap all of her people? Where was her army?

So many questions without an answer circled her foggy mind as she stands in the middle of what once was the square of Anadea. Her clothes were ruined, half of it were ripped apart, and the blood that had escaped from her wounds and mouth had dried a long time ago. She sniffs lightly as she becomes emotional at the sight before her. Never in her life had she imagined this would happen, right when she was so close to peace, to winning a never ending war.

She frantically pulls at the roots of her dirty blonde hair, biting her bottom lip in desperation. What do I do now? She frowns a little when she recognizes one of the best soldiers within her army, lying lifeless against a destroyed wooden chair. Looking around, staying here clearly wasn't an option; she, at least, needed to find help, and since nobody was here but her, she decides she will venture inside the woods and look for assistance. She wonders if her horses are still alive after such a terrible attack, and she gets her answer as soon as she finds a blank space where the stable was supposed to be. She holds in her tears, all of this seeming like the worst nightmare of her life coming alive.

When it is clear she needs to go by foot, she takes a deep breath and begins to walk towards the huge and sinister woods in front of her, the thought of Karlie haunting her for the rest of her trip.


She stumbles upon a small village a few hours later, her throat dry and her legs sore from all the walking. She doesn't recognize the place, and when she crosses the archway, which is made of pebbles and signals the entrance of this foreign village, the citizens around her stare at her with a look of pure confusion.

Desperately, she says to the first lady she comes across, "Please, help me. I need your help,". Her voice is husky and hoarse, almost displaying the pain she feels inside. The lady looks at her worriedly, immediately dragging her towards the middle of the cobblestone path. Everyone gathers around the Queen and at first the blonde girl begins to panick, afraid that all these people will kill her, and maybe burn her, but the concerned look on their faces tell her the opposite.

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